English term
those responsible = perpetrators?
This might explain why during the mission, the Special Rapporteur observed that the term “torture” was not part of the Jamaican lexicon. However, its absence in the law does not mean that it does not exist in practice.” In their concluding observations, the Human Rights Committee said “While noting that torture is prohibited under the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, the Committee is concerned that torture is not defined as a separate offence under the State party’s criminal legislation. The Committee is also concerned about the continued occurrence of torture and ill-treatment by law enforcement authorities, the limited number of convictions of those responsible**, and the insufficient sanctions imposed on the perpetrators**
In Jamaica, the focus is largely on the perpetration of offenses related to extra judicial killings by security forces and other forms of police abuse. Historically...
Do I understand correctly that "those responsible" and "perpetrators" are the same persons? Or does "those responsible" imply persons who only make decisions regarding torture/ill-treatment while perpetrators are persons who actually torture/mistreat people?
Thank you.
PRO (1): Łukasz Gos-Furmankiewicz
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agree |
Jenni Lukac (X)
22 mins
agree |
Veronika McLaren
58 mins
neutral |
B D Finch
: "Those responsible" are not just those who give the orders for torture, there may well be no order given, but those in positions of power and responsibility who turn a blind eye or who implicitly condone are also responsible for torture.
3 hrs
agree |
Phong Le
2 days 19 hrs
here, most likely yes; normally, not so much so
the limited number of convictions of those responsible**, and the insufficient sanctions imposed on the perpetrators**
Not enough convinctions handed down against all responsible parties in general, but disappointing judicial leniency only with regard to direct perpetrators? No, that doesn't sound reasonable. It is, at least in my opinion, more likely that the author intended to avoid repetition.
EXAMPLE: Those who rob a bank are the perpetrators ... those who are responsible for the robbery.
On the other hand, torture in a third world country is committed by those who torture ... but those who are responsible are those
who turn a blind eye or do nothing to stop the torture, ie. change the laws and/or enforce the laws.
I couldn't possible agree that the answer should be a bald 'no', as Victoria has posted; IMO, it can be read either way.