Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
glass ceiling
English answer:
term used to describe invisible barrier that prevents women from rising to high positions
English term
glass ceiling
4 +15 | term used to describe invisible barrier that prevents women from rising to high positions | Jenni Lukac (X) |
4 -1 | glazen plafond | Filip Lagey (X) |
Non-PRO (2): English2Korean, Katalin Horváth McClure
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term used to describe invisible barrier that prevents women from rising to high positions
Note added at 7 mins (2011-03-11 17:32:59 GMT)
Sorry, it should read "an invisible barrier" or "invisible barriers". The term is used in talking about such situations as how difficult it is for a woman to be hired for an executive or academic position or earn the same salary as a male colleague with equivalent qualifications.
Thanks Jenni |
agree |
Anton Konashenok
1 min
Cheers and thanks, Anton. Have a nice weekend.
agree |
Kim Metzger
2 mins
Greetings and thanks, Kim. Have a nice weekend.
agree |
Travelin Ann
: invisible barrier
10 mins
Thanks, Ann. Have a great weekend.
agree |
Jack Doughty
23 mins
Thanks, Jack. Have a good weekend.
agree |
British Diana
: Yes and the barrier is "invisible" because the men don't admit that the woman doesn't get the job because of her sex.// Yes, aren't we lucky and there is NO age discrimination, either!! Experience counts for a lot in our job, luckily.
25 mins
Well said, Diana. Thanks very much. I have to say that translation is very much a barrier-free field for women and our male colleagues are terrific. Amen!
agree |
Stephanie Ezrol
37 mins
Thanks and have a good weekend, Stephanie.
agree |
: That's it!
41 mins
Thanks and have a nice weekend, MedTrans.
agree |
1 hr
Thanks jc. Have a good weekend.
agree |
Mark Nathan
: Quite a lot of men maintain that it does not really exist and that women have invented it to explain why men are in charge (which is ironic, given that, in my experience, it is the women who are in charge).
2 hrs
Thanks, Mark. I try to remember the free in freelance without forgetting that the customer is king. Knowing who is really in charge is getting more and more difficult!
agree |
: Yea, what exists is a well-maintained secret Boy's club.
3 hrs
Thankshumbird. I think that the barrier is there for progressively thinking men too.
agree |
Katalin Horváth McClure
8 hrs
Thanks, Katalin. Have a nice weekend.
agree |
Sarah Bessioud
13 hrs
Greetings and thanks, Jeux de Mots. Have a great weekend.
agree |
Anna Herbst
: ... and "invisible barrier" could work as the synonym the asker was looking for
13 hrs
Thanks for the comment Anna. Your comment could help.
agree |
Phong Le
20 hrs
Greetings and thanks, Phong Le. Have a nice weekend.
agree |
Arabic & More
21 hrs
Greetings and thanks, Amel. Have a great weekend.
any help would be helpful