Jan 30, 2007 10:56
17 yrs ago
4 viewers *
French term

dé-hiérarchisation des prises de parole

French to English Social Sciences IT (Information Technology) Information society
In an article about online communities:

Les espaces électroniques se structurent donc en territoires qui chacun génèrent des usages, des codes et des modes relationnels qui leur sont propres. J.-F. Lyotard analysera ceci à partir de l’hypothèse postmoderne, montrant l’érosion subie par les grands discours d’explication du monde et emportant avec eux les autorités et les légitimités institutionnelles. Ceci s’illustrera particulièrement comme l’expression de la dé-hiérarchisation des prises de parole.

I understand the general idea (that just about anyone can start a blog and rant on and on), but any suggestions on how to render this a bit more elegantly?

Thank you in advance!
Change log

Jan 30, 2007 12:21: Charlie Bavington changed "Level" from "Non-PRO" to "PRO"

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PRO (3): Jocelyne S, Miranda Joubioux (X), Charlie Bavington

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Proposed translations

2 hrs

democratization of discourse/communication/discussion/expression

some ideas. I like democratization for dé-hiérarchisation
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks to everyone who answered! I really appreciate all the input. It just so happens that "democratization" fits in perfectly with the author's tone."
7 mins

moving away from the right to speak out being linked to status

...or, instead of "right to speak out", perhaps "right to be heard".

A difficult one to render in a way that is both concise and natural. Happy for anyone to improve upon this initial effort.
Peer comment(s):

agree Emma Paulay : right to speak out is best, I think
40 mins
Thanks, Emma
agree Marc Glinert : I think we're singing from the same hymn book here, Rob, but it's hard to express it neatly
2 hrs
Thanks Marc - it is indeed
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31 mins

destructuring of the voicing of opinion.

This is what I would put, since the notion of "hierarchie" is often structure related.
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1 hr

unstructured discussion

I think this could be a case where in English we might be more likely to talk about the end result, rather than the process ("dé-hiérarchisation") itself.

If you buy into that idea, I would imagine you're quite able to come up with several suitable options, the above is just to illustrate the concept (!). Not sure whether the plural for "prises de p." is intended to indicate one person rambling on (in which case "discussion" might not fit) or several people taking turns - if it IS only about blogs, then perhaps the former and perhaps discussion not so good.

Anyway, it was the idea of focusing on the result, not the process, that I wanted to put forward....

Note added at 1 hr (2007-01-30 12:23:47 GMT)

also - informal, unfettered (!), random, ... you name it.

AND I did NOT vote for reclassification...
Peer comment(s):

neutral Marc Glinert : it's not so much the structure (or lack of structure) in the discussion Charlie, as far as I can make out, as the status of those taking part//I never read the explanation boxes!! only kidding, thanks Charlie
50 mins
As I said, my main point was to suggest that translating the end-result, rather than the process, might prove more fruitful. But putting "see below" as the headline is frowned upon, so I just put the 1st idea I had.
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1 hr

freeing from precedence

the voicing of opinions is freed from precedence.
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2 hrs

regardless of position or status

This reflects in particular the right of everyone to take part in the debate, regardless of position or status.

...would be my stab at this one Sylvia.

Note added at 2 hrs (2007-01-30 13:22:02 GMT)

ok I missed the de-, so make that:
" ...new-found right of...."
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