Apr 19, 2010 09:01
14 yrs ago
German term


German to English Other Construction / Civil Engineering
"20. Abdeckkappen - Bandverstellloch"

Does anybody have any idea what "Bandverstellloch" is!:(

I've searched all over google and there is only one occurence, and breaking the word down still hasn't helped:(

Many thanks for your help!:)
Change log

Apr 20, 2010 14:48: Gudrun Dauner changed "Term asked" from "\"Bandverstellloch\"" to "Bandverstellloch"

Proposed translations

16 mins
German term (edited): "Bandverstellloch"

Belt adjustment hole

Unfortunately you haven't given us much to go on.
I could image a couple of possibilities like "strap adjustment hole" or "belt adjustment hole", but without any context whatsoever, any answer is pretty risky.
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36 mins

(door) hinge adjustment hole

Band in this context ( http://www.dextuera.de/images1/dextura/data/Technische_docum... ) means Türband.
This Loch is where you can access the hexagon screw allowing you to adjust your door hinges. These holes are usually covered by plastic caps.

Note added at 45 Min. (2010-04-19 09:47:12 GMT)

Bandverstellloch is more often referred to as Falzloch which are usually covered by Abdeckkappen as on http://www.bandsysteme.de/sw/0DFAC82ECC3B_modelldetail.html
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