Glossary entry (derived from question below)
German term or phrase:
English translation:
control energy (not yet accepted in USAmerican English)
Added to glossary by
Roddy Stegemann
Apr 6, 2002 09:42
22 yrs ago
2 viewers *
German term
German to English
Energy / Power Generation
power generation
A previous question posted on the pro bulletin board for which no definitive selection was made.
Proposed translations
4 +2 | control energy | Elisabeth Ghysels |
4 +2 | balancing energy | AmiHH |
5 | regular power | Codrut Tudor |
5 | baalance power | Ken Cox |
4 | Constant energy | ingot |
4 | "Prevail-Energy" | brute (X) |
4 | regulating power | AmiHH |
3 | control power | Roy Fox |
Proposed translations
47 mins
control energy
the references give the same text in German and English.
(sorry, no Japanese)
(sorry, no Japanese)
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
Steffen Pollex (X)
: may be in a certain context
7 mins
well, the context is power generation; and in this context in Germany Regelenergie is a quite specific concept.
agree |
: Absolutely!
37 mins
neutral |
gangels (X)
: that would be "backup energy"
2 hrs
don't know why you think so; anyway, as my references show, one of the main actors in the field chooses to translate with control energy
agree |
: I think control energy was just a bad translation that got published.
6 hrs
difficult to proof the opposite; but then, as long as you don't come up with references for a valid alternative ....
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Thanks to everyone for your input. I have already provided explanatory remarks to the question section of the ProZ inquiry page."
49 mins
regular power
I'm sorry, I don't know even one Japanese word.
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
Steffen Pollex (X)
: also possible (see my call for context)
6 mins
4 hrs
Constant energy
5 hrs
Another option!
5 hrs
control power
I ran across this term in connection with electricity regulation. I found a lot of references to it on the web but didn't really sort out what it is. The only bilingual hit I got was on the UCTE site which translates it as "regulating energy" if I recall correctly.
7 hrs
balancing energy
I've been using balancing energy. Regulatory energy could work as well. My original context was for the German market. I know Austria uses Ausgleichsenergie and I think Regelenergie as well, but I don't think Ausgleichsenergie is equal to the German "Regelenergie." I would then suggest "compensatory energy" and "balancing energy" for Austria, but maybe someone with more experience in Austria could correct me or explain this. It's difficult because the markets are not the same across the world. If you take "balancing energy" for "Regelenergie" in Germany, it might not be the same thing that is meant by the terms used in the States or the UK.
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Arthur Allmendinger
: News/2005/010605...
1241 days
agree |
Natalie Chandler
: Reference
1495 days
15 hrs
baalance power
This is at least the term used in the English-language texts on (some) European sites (Swiss, Finnish, ...)
First, though, we need to know what 'Regelenergie' means, and that is:
Mit Regelenergie bezeichnet man die Mehr- und Mindermengen, die die Abweichungen des prognostizierten vom tatsächlichen Strombedarf des Kunden ausgleichen. Diese Mengen werden ausschließlich von den großen Übertragungsnetzbetreibern (RWE, e.on etc.) aufgenommen bzw. bereit gestellt. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Ländern mit liberalisiertem Strommarkt ist die Beschaffung und Bereitstellung von Regelenergie nicht wettbewerblich organisiert. Das hat gravierende Folgen insbesondere für kleinere Stromhändler wie Stadtwerke.
( aus der e...
Next, some sample sites for 'balance power':
ref 1:
When SvK judges that there is a risk for Power Shortage during the current or following day, SvK can, at 4 hours notice, set a special price of 3000 SEK/MWh (350 ECU/kWh corresponding to about 20 times the normal price) for consumption of Balance power during those hours when the Power Shortage is expected.
The special price will only affect consumed Balance power for the hours that the price is set for. If a Power Shortage price warning has been sent out, the special price will apply, even if it subsequently proves that there is no longer a risk for Power Shortage for the hours in question.
ref 2:
Balance management
Operation with which a party of electricity trading aims to settle and influence, in advance or during the hour of use, how its electricity balance will be formed in a certain hour of use.
Balance calculation
A general name for the technical procedure which is performed for the management and settlement of power balances.
Balance border
A balance border is composed of connection point measurement(s).
Balance reporting
Delivery of the results of balance calculation after the hour of use to the parties of electricity trading.
Balance settler
A party which takes part in the settling of the power balance of a section of a power network or of a party of electricity trading and which provides the other balance settlers with information needed in their balance settlement.
Balance settlement
Settlement of actual production, consumption and electricity transactions, taking place after the hour of use by the balance settler. The power balance of each party of electricity trading is obtained as a result of the balance settlement.
Balance power
Electric energy used for covering the difference between actual power consumption/sales and generation/procurement of a party during an hour.
Through mutual trading in balance power, System balances the power procurement and deliveries of a balance responsible party which has made a balance service contract. The volume of balance power is determined on basis of the national balance settlement.
First, though, we need to know what 'Regelenergie' means, and that is:
Mit Regelenergie bezeichnet man die Mehr- und Mindermengen, die die Abweichungen des prognostizierten vom tatsächlichen Strombedarf des Kunden ausgleichen. Diese Mengen werden ausschließlich von den großen Übertragungsnetzbetreibern (RWE, e.on etc.) aufgenommen bzw. bereit gestellt. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Ländern mit liberalisiertem Strommarkt ist die Beschaffung und Bereitstellung von Regelenergie nicht wettbewerblich organisiert. Das hat gravierende Folgen insbesondere für kleinere Stromhändler wie Stadtwerke.
( aus der e...
Next, some sample sites for 'balance power':
ref 1:
When SvK judges that there is a risk for Power Shortage during the current or following day, SvK can, at 4 hours notice, set a special price of 3000 SEK/MWh (350 ECU/kWh corresponding to about 20 times the normal price) for consumption of Balance power during those hours when the Power Shortage is expected.
The special price will only affect consumed Balance power for the hours that the price is set for. If a Power Shortage price warning has been sent out, the special price will apply, even if it subsequently proves that there is no longer a risk for Power Shortage for the hours in question.
ref 2:
Balance management
Operation with which a party of electricity trading aims to settle and influence, in advance or during the hour of use, how its electricity balance will be formed in a certain hour of use.
Balance calculation
A general name for the technical procedure which is performed for the management and settlement of power balances.
Balance border
A balance border is composed of connection point measurement(s).
Balance reporting
Delivery of the results of balance calculation after the hour of use to the parties of electricity trading.
Balance settler
A party which takes part in the settling of the power balance of a section of a power network or of a party of electricity trading and which provides the other balance settlers with information needed in their balance settlement.
Balance settlement
Settlement of actual production, consumption and electricity transactions, taking place after the hour of use by the balance settler. The power balance of each party of electricity trading is obtained as a result of the balance settlement.
Balance power
Electric energy used for covering the difference between actual power consumption/sales and generation/procurement of a party during an hour.
Through mutual trading in balance power, System balances the power procurement and deliveries of a balance responsible party which has made a balance service contract. The volume of balance power is determined on basis of the national balance settlement.
1 day 23 hrs
regulating power
This document from Norway talks about regulating power.
One more reason for this choice, it appears to have been the most controversial and best defended answer.
Thank you everyone for your input, with special thanks of course to Elisabeth Ghysels.