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Sep 15, 2011 19:08
13 yrs ago
2 viewers *
German term


German to English Medical Medical (general)
Dear colleagues

I'd like your help with a term in a CIOMS report for an adverse event in a patient with cancer. This is actually a EN>PT job, but the source came from Germany and was translated into English.

I was not able to decipher the meaning for "LOI" and "AM" in the text below:

Daily Dose: 16 mg (8 mg)
Form of Admin.: 1) TA, AM, and LOI

I believe that "TA" is "transantral", but I was not able to find out what "LOI" and "AM" mean. I noticed that many words in the English text were left untranslated and were still in German, so I decided to give it a shot and ask my German-speaking collegues for suggestions for those two acronyms. Thank you bery much!
Proposed translations (English)
3 +1 Loss of imprinting (LOI)


SJLD Sep 16, 2011:
LOI - I'm thinking LOcal Injection - but that's a complete stab in the dark (no pun intended ;-))
SJLD Sep 16, 2011:
Yes, it would be presentation or dosage form. Translated by someone who doesn't know the usual terms (see EMEA templates for example).
dlincks (asker) Sep 16, 2011:
MOre info Just found out that "TA" on that same text is "Tablets" and "KA" is "capsules". Does that help at all? And yes, the text says "Form of administration" and not "route of administration" (I think they meant "presentation")
SJLD Sep 15, 2011:
We don't know for sure, but I suspect it's dosage form rather than route of administration.
Johanna Timm, PhD Sep 15, 2011:
Ok, I was confused-- the source text says "Verabreichungsform": 1) TA, AM, LOI"?
SJLD Sep 15, 2011:
I don't think so Johanna. Asker wants to know the meaning in English for translation into Portuguese.
Johanna Timm, PhD Sep 15, 2011:
Eng>Ger? should we switch the direction?
SJLD Sep 15, 2011:
Form of administration or route of administration? Not at all the same.
What do you mean by "transantral"?

Proposed translations

1 hr

Loss of imprinting (LOI)

I've just found a text in the context of tumor risk where the acronym comes up, I'll give you my source below.

"Enhanced sensitivity to IGF-II signaling links loss of imprinting of IGF2 to increased cell proliferation and tumor risk"

Hope this helps a little bit :)

Peer comment(s):

agree Attila Szabo
2 hrs
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Reference comments

3 hrs

TA is a rich acronym

According to the Dictionary of Medical Acronyms and Abbreviations, TA can mean:
TA alkaline tuberculin; arterial tension; axillary temperature; tactile afferent; Takayasu arteritis; technology
assessment; teichoic acid; temporal abstraction; temporal arteritis; terminal antrum; therapeutic abortion;
thermophilic Actinomyces; thymocytotoxic autoantibody; thyroarytenoid; thyroglobulin autoprecipitation;
thyroid antibody; thyroid autoimmunity; tibialis anterior [muscle]; tissue adhesive; titratable acid; total
alkaloids; total antibody; toxic adenoma; toxin-antitoxin; traffic accident; transactional analysis; transaldolase;
transaminase; transantral; transplantation antigen; transposition of aorta; trapped air; triamcinolone acetonide;
tricuspid atresia; trophoblast antigen; true anomaly; truncus arteriosus; tryptamine; tryptose agar; tube
agglutination; tumor-associated; typical absences.

AM can mean:
Academic Medicine [journal]; actomyosin; acute myelofibrosis; adult male; adult monocyte; aerospace medicine;
affected male; akinetic mutism; alcoholic male; alveolar macrophage; alveolar mucosa; amacrine cell; ambulatory;
amethopterin; ametropia; ammeter; amperemeter; ampicillin; amplitude modulation; amyl; anovular menstruation; anterior
mitral leaflet; antimycotic; arithmetic mean; arousal mechanism; articular manipulation; aviation medicine; axiomesial;
meter angle; myopic astigmatism

Note added at 3 hrs (2011-09-15 22:55:28 GMT)

Oh, and LOI can mean:

level of incompetence; level of injury; limit of impurities; loss of imprinting.

Hope I helped a bit!
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