Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:


English translation:

dump / pit (or the pits)

Added to glossary by Ivana UK
Sep 23, 2008 20:22
16 yrs ago
Italian term


Italian to English Art/Literary Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
La città da dove vengo è un buco!

grazie a tutti
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Oct 7, 2008 07:58: Ivana UK Created KOG entry

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potra Sep 24, 2008:
More context or full paragraph, please

Proposed translations

3 hrs

dump / pit (or the pits)

I'd probably say dump (UK) or pit/the pits (US).

i.e. this place is a dump / this place is a pit / this place is the pits


definition of buco (in context):

ambiente piccolo e angusto, anche squallido: quel locale è un buco

definition of dump:

A despicable or undesirable place. E.g."You're welcome to come over to mine, but it's a bit of a hole."

Definition of pits

Noun. The worst imaginable situation, place or person

I'm not sure I would use 'tip' (as suggested by Tom) as in British English this means that the town is messy, dirty etc., which I don't think conveys the meaning of the Italian.

Note added at 3 hrs (2008-09-23 23:30:17 GMT)

Confirmed by the Oxford-Paravia dictionary:

colloq. spreg. (town, village) buco

Note added at 21 hrs (2008-09-24 17:23:47 GMT)


When I say that a town/city/place is a dump I don't necessarily mean that it's dirty - it just means that it's small and boring and that there's nothing do do there
Peer comment(s):

agree Monia Di Martino : I'm for "pit".
9 hrs
agree Umberto Cassano
17 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
19 mins


Vuole dire: Una citta piccola,piccolissima!

Note added at 20 perc (2008-09-23 20:43:11 GMT)

ne sono quasi quasi certo.
It means that the city that I come from is a very little one.
Peer comment(s):

agree Nadia Ayoub
12 mins
thank you Nadia
Something went wrong...
1 hr


in British English, that would be the way to say it.

Note added at 1 hr (2008-09-23 21:45:41 GMT)

if you mean buco as in c**o
Something went wrong...
9 hrs

tiny (God forsaken) place

The essential part of the word "buco" in this context is the meaning of small, while the negative connation of a "pit" or a "dump" may not be implied in the context:

"...è sabato. cosa si può fare il sabato con un' amica/o? a parte i ...
Dettagli aggiuntivi. 10 mesi fa. la mia città è ***un buco. accogliente, ma un buco ***! Segnala un abuso · Mrs BeLlAmY by Mrs BeLlAmY ... - 51k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Salva risultato

If this is the case then "tiny place" is sufficient".

Obiously if in the context the meaning is both "small" and "negative" then you want "God forsaken" or something similar as well

Resoconto escursione a parma | Un 66 con ghiaccio
Non è una città,è un buco senza alcuna attrattiva(o magari ce n'è qualcuna ma i miei accompagnatori non si sono degnati di farmela vedere...). ... - 39k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Salva risultato
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