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Apr 11, 2008 12:16
16 yrs ago
5 viewers *
Italian term

imposte assolte con ritenuta a titolo definitivo

Italian to English Bus/Financial Finance (general)
Discussion of tax treatment of banking foundations in Italy.

Il previsto innalzamento dell’aliquota sulle rendite finanziarie determinerebbe per le Fondazioni un carico d’imposta aggiuntivo da 90 milioni di euro. Nel solo 2006 l’incidenza delle imposte assolte con ritenuta a titolo definitivo ha sfiorato l’80% del totale delle tasse pagate.
Proposed translations (English)
4 outright tax payment

Proposed translations

1 hr

outright tax payment

da Iate e Garzanti

Note added at 1 ora (2008-04-11 14:04:37 GMT)

or outright paid taxes
Note from asker:
Thanks Giovanni for this suggestion. In the context quoted above, I omitted a sentence in the middle of the two quoted which I thought at the time wasn't relevant, but perhaps in hindsight it is. The sentence reads: "L’impatto che questo avrebbe sulle erogazioni è evidente. " I'm wondering whether what the author is trying to say is that "taxes paid upfront", which were close to 80% of what the Foundations paid in tax, also reduced the amount they had available to disbusrse in 2006.
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