Oct 31, 2000 08:54
24 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Italian term
in base
Italian to English
Confezione: 5mg compresse filmrivestite
AIC no.: XXX (in base 10)
AIC no.: XXX (in base 10)
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
6 hrs
Traduzione: semplice, "In base 10" (resta lo stesso)
avevo dimenticato la traduzione, che traduzione poi non è...
avevo dimenticato la traduzione, che traduzione poi non è...
2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Grazie"
3 hrs
Base 10 (decimal).
This seems to be refering to a logarithmic base for number systems.
The "normal" number system is base 10 (decimal). Other number systems could have base 2 (binary), base 6 (hexagonal), base 8 (octogonal) and base 16 (hexadecimal) (specially in computer machine language programming).
I just do not know why the numerical system base matters in this case.
Luis Luis
The "normal" number system is base 10 (decimal). Other number systems could have base 2 (binary), base 6 (hexagonal), base 8 (octogonal) and base 16 (hexadecimal) (specially in computer machine language programming).
I just do not know why the numerical system base matters in this case.
Luis Luis
5 hrs
Su valore alcalino di 10
"Base" è chimicamente il contrario di "acid". L'acqua è neutra, e presenta un PH 7; da 0 a 7 abbiamo gli acidi; da 7 in su le "basi", o "alcali". 10 è - ad esmpio - il valore alcalino di un detersivo comune da bucato.
9 hrs
ten to a pack???? Units of ten????
Looks as tho you have a medice in pill form or something?
Just a thought that the "base 10" is referring to the packing quantity. It's the only way it makes sense to me.
Just a thought that the "base 10" is referring to the packing quantity. It's the only way it makes sense to me.
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