Dec 16, 2001 14:40
23 yrs ago
4 viewers *
Italian term

alzatine in legno

Non-PRO Italian to English Other
il testo parla di composizioni di mobili e ne elenca le caratteristiche. Non riesco a trovarle sul dizionario!

Proposed translations

2 hrs

upper part

Here is a site (English and Italian versions) that uses simply "upper part." I agree with Anusca's definition. I think "back splash" indicates only that part of the kitchen wall between the lower and upper cabinets (in the US at least) that is normally protected by tiles so that the splashes of water and food don't mar the paint (but the term could have other uses I'm not aware of... I'm definitely not a furniture expert!).
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks a lot"
37 mins


sui dizionari devi guardare alzata
perchè alzatina è un diminutivo.

Alzata: parte superiore, sovrastruttura di un mobile (p. es.: cassettone, credenza)


Diz. Zingarelli

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39 mins

wood back splash

This is what I found but you may want to change the structure of the phrase to fit the context, eg back splash in wood, etc.
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4 hrs

decorative wood raisings...

These are the purely decorative/ornamentive stylings often glued on to front panels/surfaces. Mostly makde from wood, but sometimes you see them made from plaster on painted furniture.


Peer comment(s):

agree Hege Jakobsen Lepri : I believe this is the right alley....
3 hrs
Thank you
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8 hrs

wood relief

Dipende dalle dimensioni delle "alzatine", e come sono fatte. Sono d'accordo con Rick, ma credo anche la mia idea possa essere valida, e che il contesto dovrebbe dare la soluzione.
Wood relief- sono i bassi rilievi in legno.. ma devi vedere di che si tratta.
Peer comment(s):

agree Rick Henry : relief was the word I was looking for :-)
0 min
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