Dec 6, 2003 08:34
20 yrs ago
Lithuanian term

myliu tave - noriu dabar bti su tavimi, prisiglausti prie avs ir pajausti tavo i

Non-PRO Lithuanian to English Other
myliu tave - noriu dabar bti su tavimi, prisiglausti prie avs ir pajausti tavo irdies plakima, ram... Tu mane suildytum... Tu mane pabuiuotum... inua, kad niekada mans nenuskriaustum... Ir visada mane myltum. Man trksta tavo ilumos ir a visada bnu laiminga, kai matau tave besiypsant.

Proposed translations

7 mins

I love you - I want to be with you now, to hug you...

I love you - I want to be with you now, to hug you and to feel the beating of your heart, quietly...
Something went wrong...
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