Oct 23, 2008 14:24
16 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Polish term


Polish to English Other Other Police
"- ...wspolpracę [Policji] międzynarodową w ramach PWGT i KDL (za pomocą łączności kodowanej „Elcro-dat”) oraz Grupy Wyszehradzkiej V4+1 (Czechy, Słowacja, Węgry, Polska i Austria)

chodzi o procedury w razie ataku terrorystycznego
PWGT to: Police Working Group on Terrorism, niestety nie mam pojecia co do KDL i google tez nie chce mi powiedziec;) to tekst wspolczesny wiec zakladam, ze nie chodzi o Kraje Dem. Ludowe;)
bardzo będę wdzięczna za pomoc
Proposed translations (English)


Andrzej Mierzejewski Oct 23, 2008:
Przypuszczam, że skrót znany tylko policji - pytaj autora.

Proposed translations

1 hr



Moze to, ale nie wiem, dlaczego KDL

"PWGT utilizes both its own secure communications network and links into a network of national liaison officers known as CTELOs (Counter-Terrorism and Extremism Liaison Officers). For example, the UK CTELO in France is attached to UCLAT in Paris ...
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Reference comments

18 mins

Moze o to chodzi?

Note added at 19 mins (2008-10-23 14:43:19 GMT)

"The Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL) develops an application independent framework for modelling and computation of kinematic chains, such as robots, biomechanical human models, computer-animated figures, machine tools, etc."
Peer comments on this reference comment:

disagree Andrzej Mierzejewski : seems wrong as the text regards international collaboration of police organisations.
40 mins
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44 mins

może również to -
KDL investigates how to find useful patterns in large and complex databases. We study the underlying principles of data analysis algorithms, develop innovative techniques for knowledge discovery, and apply those techniques to practical tasks in areas such as fraud detection, scientific data analysis, and web mining.
More here -
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