This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Jan 12, 2010 01:49
14 yrs ago
Portuguese term

num só dimploma

Portuguese to English Bus/Financial Business/Commerce (general)
... na reunião num só dimploma das normas reguladoras destas operações......



Ryan Green (asker) Jan 16, 2010:
Yeah.... I think there is an issue with the source portuguese text. There were a lot of mistakes.
Agree. Sim nem mesmo diploma me parece correto na sentença.
... Diploma doesn't really fit here either...
??????? re you sure that the word is DIMPLOMA? I guess there is somehting wrong.

Proposed translations

14 mins

in a single diploma . .

Hmm? Typo? . . . In a single diploma . .
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1 hr
Portuguese term (edited): num só diploma

in a single law

Or "under a single law".

Assuming that the Portuguese word is "diploma", it is likely referring to a law or other legislative text.

Good luck!
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2 days 20 hrs

in a single charter

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