Feb 24, 2010 19:00
14 yrs ago
Portuguese term
Portuguese to English
"As mudanças estruturais na economia catarinense ocorreram a partir da década de 1990, como a redução das atividades estatais, reestruturação da indústria cerâmica, o desmonte do setor carbonífero, a reestruturação patrimonial no complexo eletro-metal-mecânico, a desverticalização e a retração no segmento têxtil-vestuário e a desnacionalização no complexo agroindustrial. "
Proposed translations
4 | shif to foreign control (of the agro-industrial complex) | Claudio Brandt |
4 +3 | DENATIONALIZATION | Mary Palmer |
4 +1 | privatization | Maria Castro |
Proposed translations
41 mins
shif to foreign control (of the agro-industrial complex)
Just a suggestion based on the meaning of the term as I understood it: "desnacionalização do complexo agro-industrial" as the transfer of ownership of many companies in this complex to foreign based corporations.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
4 mins
my suggestion
Peer comment(s):
agree |
LawAndAll (X)
1 hr
Thanks, Louise.
12 mins
... and provides an analysis of why denationalization of the agro-industrial ... The ecological consequences of subsidizing the energy sector in Russia ...
centralization of supply and demand of agro industrial goods as well as to the denationalization of the assets of enterprises in these sectors. ...
Note added at 14 mins (2010-02-24 19:14:19 GMT)
Sorry, it shouldn't be capitalized :)
centralization of supply and demand of agro industrial goods as well as to the denationalization of the assets of enterprises in these sectors. ...
Note added at 14 mins (2010-02-24 19:14:19 GMT)
Sorry, it shouldn't be capitalized :)
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Marlene Curtis
: http://www.investorwords.com/1406/denationalization.html
10 mins
Thanks Marlene, enjoy your evening!
agree |
Donovan Libring
: Denationalization is the converting, by a government, of a nationalized industry or business to private ownership.
13 mins
Thanks Donovan, have a nice evening!
disagree |
Claudio Brandt
: "denationalization" is not wrong, but it is mostly used to mean removal of state ownership (privatização), as in the examples provided, which is not what the original means. Since when was Santa Catarina's agro-industrial complex state-controled?
26 mins
Ok, see here: http://tradutor.babylon.com/Ingles/Portugues/denationalizati...
agree |
Nadja B Batdorf
26 mins
Thanks Nadja! Have a nice evening! :)
agree |
Verginia Ophof
2 hrs
Thanks Verginia, have a nice evening!
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