Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Romanian term or phrase:
în condiţiile declinului economic regional
English translation:
amid the economic downturn of the region / amid the regional economic decline
Romanian term
în condiţiile declinului economic regional
4 +3 | amid the region's economic downturn / amid the regional economic decline | George C. |
5 | under the circumstances of regional/local economic decline | ION CAPATINA |
Apr 9, 2010 09:00: George C. changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/716762">Alina Dohotaru's</a> old entry - "în condiţiile declinului economic regional"" to ""amid the region\'s economic downturn / amid the regional economic decline ""
Proposed translations
amid the region's economic downturn / amid the regional economic decline
turnura "amid ... economic/global/ etc downturn" e una standard în limbajul economic
agree |
Sandra & Kenneth Grossman
15 mins
disagree |
: amid=preposition=in mijlocul, printre; Se foloseste in expresii, dar asta inseamna.
54 mins
pentru dvs. contează litera dicţionarului, nu spiritul limbii. Linkul google sugerat arată utilizarea sintagmei în context, în articole din NYT, Reuters sau Forbes, înseamnând exact "în condiţiile/ contextul ...". Your "disagree" is unwarranted.
agree |
Annamaria Amik
: amidst the economic downturn of the region. Sunt milioane de rezultate google pentru sintagma amidst the economic, exact in acest sens, chiar nu isi are loc dezacordul colegului
2 hrs
mulţumesc, absolut de acord cu "amidst the economic downturn"
agree |
Adriana-Corina Iotcov
: amid amidst preposition 1. during, among, at a time of, in an atmosphere of He cancelled a foreign trip amid growing concerns of a domestic crisis. (
9 hrs
agree |
Monica Contolencu
22 hrs
under the circumstances of regional/local economic decline
“Patterns of regional economic decline and growth : the past and what has been happening lately” -Mark Perlman
“Local economic decline continues”
Note added at 22 mins (2010-03-31 11:53:33 GMT)
"However, section IV investigates the lucky few who improved their circumstances amid the general decline."
amid= printre, in mijlocul
"The importance of the bank's capital was taken into consideration as one of the main components for the financial stability when the decision was taken, under the circumstances of regional economic decline."
neutral |
George C.
: 'amid' înseamnă exclusiv printre sau în mijlocul? Trebuie considerat şi contextul utilizării. Pentru edificare:"amid ...
37 mins
Tot asta inseamna, "in mijlocul",niciodata "circumstante"
“The circumstances ***amid*** which you live determine your reputation.
The truth you believe determines your character.” -- William H. Davis
circumstances= conditii, imprejurari
amid= printre, in mijlocul
Nu spun ca nu sunt de acord cu sintagma, spun doar ca are semnificatia de "in mijlocul", "printre", iar dovada este ca uneori se folosesc impreuna "circumstances amid", tocmai din acest motiv, altminteri ar fi pleonasm. Regards.