This question was closed without grading. Reason: Other
Nov 3, 2013 12:45
10 yrs ago
9 viewers *
Romanian term

anulabilitate (relative nullity?)

Romanian to English Bus/Financial Law: Contract(s)
sub sancțiunea anulabilității contractului...
under the relative nullity sanction?
Proposed translations (English)
4 voidability (of contract)

Proposed translations

1 hr
Romanian term (edited): anulabilitate

voidability (of contract)

Neither avoidability, (absolute) voidness nor possibility of rescission.

Voidable is, I suppose, relative, namely until the contract is voided.

Note added at 8 hrs (2013-11-03 21:28:44 GMT)

subject to the penalty of ....
Example sentence:

A voidable contract, unlike a void contract, is a valid contract. At most, one party to the contract is bound‎

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