Glossary entry

Romanian term or phrase:


English translation:

Cadastral Delimitation Survey/Plan

Added to glossary by translator2012
Oct 30, 2008 14:04
16 yrs ago
11 viewers *
Romanian term


Romanian to English Law/Patents Law (general) întabulare
- numărul titlului de proprietate nu corespunde cu cel din PAD.



Anca Nitu Oct 30, 2008:
acuma confundati title cu title deed sunt doua notiuni diferite asa apar si in textul dvs :) ( title deeds nu title pur si simplu)
cred ca am explicat subiectul pana la epuizare si am adus suficiente argumente
poate alti contribuabili sa aiba alte idei eu am sa le astept
Liviu-Lee Roth Oct 30, 2008:
titlul este deed! Title deeds are documents evidencing ownership and extent of a property, also sets out any rights or obligations that affect the property, also show whether there are any mortgages on the property. In more modern times (since 2000) compulsory registration has come into effect; all properties mortgaged or transferred since 2000 must be registered. The details of rights, obligations, covenants and the like referred to in deeds will be transferred to the register.
Anca Nitu Oct 30, 2008:
title, deed and deed title


1) Estates. A title is defined by Lord Coke to be the means whereby the owner of lands hath the just possession of his property.

Only in relatively rare circumstances is a deed required to complete a transaction. In a commercial situation the most common use is where a variation or concession is made without the other party giving anything in return. A deed is enforceable regardless of the legal requirements for contracts such as the need for consideration. Where a deed is necessary, there are special requirements for a company wishing to enter into such an arrangement which may either involve use of the company or the signature of two directors or a director and a company secretary.

Title deeds

Those deeds which are evidences of the title of the owner of an estate.
Anca Nitu Oct 30, 2008:
cam exista ....:)

oamenii astia sunt in Ohio
Liviu-Lee Roth Oct 30, 2008:
Deed Exact: in US este actul prin care se transfera o proprietate si, daca proprietatea a fost achitata integral, noul proprietar obtine acest Deed. daca a facut imprumut la banca, banca tine acest "Deed" pana la achitarea datoriei. In US nu exista alt "titlu" de proprietate
Anca Nitu Oct 30, 2008:
titlul nu este deed !
titlul ( the title) de proprietate se transfera cu ajutorul "deed" in favoarea cumparatorului
Domaine(s) : - droit
droit administratif


titre n. m.

Définition :
The means of demonstrating that the owner of land is lawfully entitled to the land.

Domaine(s) : - droit
common law


acte translatif n. m.

Sous-entrée(s) :
translatory act
Iar "indenture" este un contract bilateral fara nici o legatura cu subiectul
Domaine(s) : - droit


contrat bilatéral

Note(s) :
See also: contract.
This article is from the Dictionnaire de la comptabilité et de la gestion financière, version 1.2, copied under license.
Liviu-Lee Roth Oct 30, 2008:
nr.titlului... The Deed(Indenture) number does not match the registered number in the Survey Register (eu asa as traduce)

Proposed translations

15 mins

Cadastral Delimitation Survey/Plan

PAD = Planul cadastral de Amplasament şi Delimitare

Peer comment(s):

agree Anca Nitu : nu cunosteam acronimul si vreau sa va multumesc pentru ca l-ati afisat
7 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Mulţumesc."
7 hrs

legal and zoning plan Port Moody/maps/Lega...
the title registration number doesn't match the one in the legal and zoning plan

nu prea e echivalent
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