Glossary entry

Romanian term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Adela Porumbel
Oct 27, 2011 12:30
13 yrs ago
6 viewers *
Romanian term


Romanian to English Medical Medical (general) pulmonar
nuclei tahicromatici
Change log

Dec 9, 2011 10:38: Adela Porumbel Created KOG entry

Dec 9, 2011 10:38: Adela Porumbel changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/734905">Adela Porumbel's</a> old entry - "tahicromatic"" to ""tarchychromatic""

Proposed translations

1 hr


Eu as traduce "tachycromatic nuclei". Intrucat nucleus este de origine latina, iar tachy- provine de la un adjectiv grecesc, unele limbi, printre care si engleza, respecta grafia limbilor de origine, transcriind foarte exact, cu ajutorul caracterelor latine, literele originale, in cazul acesta pe cele grecesti. Am adaugat mai jos link-ul spre un articol care foloseste aceasta sintagma. Sper sa fie de folos!

Note added at 1 hr (2011-10-27 13:57:08 GMT)

Vroiam sa spun "tachychromatic", am uitat un "h", scuzati!

Note added at 3 hrs (2011-10-27 16:24:26 GMT)

Tocmai am cautat referinte pentru trahi si tahi-cromatic. Diferenta intre ele este ca primul inseamna ca nucleul se coloreaza intens, iar al doilea termen arata ca nucleul se coloreaza rapid. Merriam-Webster citeaza numai "trachychromatic" si avand in vedere ca pentru varianta asta, asa cum spune si Liz, exista mult mai multe referinte, propun sa o acceptam. In plus, cred ca si din punctul de vedere stiintific, aceasta varianta este mai plauzibila. Aici este vorba despre coloratii care evidentiaza cromatina din nucleii celulari. La asemenea examinari intereseaza gradul de absorbtie a reactivilor, viteza de absorbtie este absolut secundara.
Note from asker:
Mulțumesc. Credeți că poate fi ”trachychromatic” cum spune Liz Askew (cu ”r”)? Eu nu reușesc să găsesc o definiție pt. ”tahicromatic” nici în română :D
Peer comment(s):

neutral liz askew : it would be "tr/achychromatic"..
1 min
You're right, Liz, I forgot an "h"! Thank you! :-)
agree Lia Sabau
15 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Mulțumesc. Sunt de acord să acceptăm această variantă, ”trachychromatic”. Dacă doriți puteți introduce dvs în glosar (atunci mă grăbeam și am uitat să revin asupra răspunsului). "
1 hr


Koilocytes, evidence of HPV infection typical cells were identified by these aspects: tahicromatic nucleus of cells shaped like a ball, well preserved chromatin, irregular shape, with no apparent nuclear membrane, without inclusion nucleolus or body, surrounded by a clear halo and bordered on the periphery of a very dense cytoplasm. Koilocytes were arranged isolated or in groups. (Fig.4)

HSIL was observed in the presence of atypical cells - with dark nuclei, with variations in size and shape, the ratio N: C increased, micro or macrogranular chromatin, with uniform distribution, nucleus with irregular outline and nuclear membrane with numerous indentations, with variable cytoplasm -arranged isolated or aggregated in layers (Fig.5, 6).

Example sentence:

Peer comment(s):

neutral liz askew : only one hit for this, somewhat dubious:)
10 mins
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Reference comments

1 hr

whichever way you look at it, the spelling would be "chromatic", with an "h" in English.

I can only find "euchromatic/hyperchromatic"

Note added at 1 hr (2011-10-27 13:52:54 GMT)


please check spelling

as I have found "tRachycHromatic"

Trachychromatic -- Medical Definition
Medical definition for the term 'trachychromatic' ... The information shown above for trachychromatic is provided by Stedman's. ...

Note added at 1 hr (2011-10-27 13:54:56 GMT)

Kindly note

22 hits for "tachycromatic"

5,300+ for


check this:)
Note from asker:
Very interesting! Only that I can't find a single definition of "tahicromatic" in Romanian (there are very few hits on Google) to see the difference between "tachy-" and "trachychromatic".
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree Ioana Claudia Popa : You're right! Thank you very much for pointing this out!
2 hrs
agree Lia Sabau : I've found "nuclei hipercomi şi cromatină densă, tahicromatici" here: which is more like an explanation, but maybe it helps...
15 hrs
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