Feb 3, 2010 08:12
14 yrs ago
Russian term

две тысячи пятьсот десятитысячных

Russian to English Other Business/Commerce (general)
ноль целых две тысячи пятьсот десятитысячных гектара
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Non-PRO (1): axpamen

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An easy question is one that any bilingual person would be able to answer correctly. (Or in the case of monolingual questions, an easy question is one that any native speaker of the language would be able to answer correctly.)

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Yuliia Shapovalova Feb 3, 2010:
2 esperansa advanced exercises with fractions? :) Веселый денёк у вас выдался! :)
David Knowles Feb 3, 2010:
To Danya I know you can't really put "one quarter" in a legal document, but I would put "zero point two five zero zero" or possibly "two thousand five hundred ten thousandths", though I don't recall ever seeing four places of decimals written out. You definitely need the "s" at the end, and "twenty five hundred" would not be appropriate.
danya Feb 3, 2010:
it's a legal document I guess so we mayn't do math even that simple when translating, unfortunately
David Knowles Feb 3, 2010:
How about "one quarter"?! These complicated expressions are very unusual in written English, and "zero point two five zero zero" would be more likely if you have to write them out. There is a possible reason for the trailing zeros, because they indicate accuracy. I've never understood how Russian copes with expressing pi to varying degrees of accuracy, because the language rapidly gets out of hand.
stasbetman Feb 3, 2010:
сократите до ноль целых двадцать пять сотых 0,2500=0,25 :)
esperansa_2008 (asker) Feb 3, 2010:
??? two thousand five hundred thousandths

Proposed translations

2 hrs

twenty five hundred ten thousandth

As far as I know you can find the rules in any grammar book. I had to explain that when teaching English to business students for two years
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Спасибо"
9 mins

twenty five hundred ten-thousandths

or two thousand and five hundred ...

zero point two five oh-oh )
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Reference comments

2 hrs


гуголь вам в помощь - words to numbers наберите в гугле и будет вам щастье
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree stasbetman
17 mins
thank you!
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