Jan 2, 2010 23:20
14 yrs ago
Russian term
Russian to English
Social Sciences
Soviet history
I am translating for subtitles, so I can not simply transliterate this term. "Artistic Council" is widely used academically, but I think it's garbage and cry foul because, in this usage, "Artistic" is uninformative and, indeed, fails to meet a single one of the following seven conventions I sniped from a cheesy online dictionary (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/artistic), with the possible exception of number 6.
1. conforming to the standards of art; satisfying aesthetic requirements: artistic productions.
2. showing skill or excellence in execution: artistic workmanship.
3. exhibiting taste, discriminating judgment, or sensitivity: an artistic arrangement of flowers; artistic handling of a delicate diplomatic situation.
4. exhibiting an involvement in or appreciation of art, esp. the fine arts: He had wide-ranging artistic interests.
5. involving only aesthetic considerations, usually taken as excluding moral, practical, religious, political, or similar concerns: artistic principles.
6. of art or artists: artistic works.
7. of, like, or thought of as characteristic of an artist: an artistic temperament.
Arts Council, on the other hand, infers that the council rules or governs the arts. At least, to my ears it does. And, in said flimsy, unauthoritative free dictionary, "Arts" in this usage lines up with definitions 8, 10, 11, and 5 (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/arts).
Furthermore, if we really want to get into it (which I do) the term should ideally convey that there were khudsovets for each discipline-- thus I propose an Arts Council of Animation, an Arts Council of Painting, and so on.
1. conforming to the standards of art; satisfying aesthetic requirements: artistic productions.
2. showing skill or excellence in execution: artistic workmanship.
3. exhibiting taste, discriminating judgment, or sensitivity: an artistic arrangement of flowers; artistic handling of a delicate diplomatic situation.
4. exhibiting an involvement in or appreciation of art, esp. the fine arts: He had wide-ranging artistic interests.
5. involving only aesthetic considerations, usually taken as excluding moral, practical, religious, political, or similar concerns: artistic principles.
6. of art or artists: artistic works.
7. of, like, or thought of as characteristic of an artist: an artistic temperament.
Arts Council, on the other hand, infers that the council rules or governs the arts. At least, to my ears it does. And, in said flimsy, unauthoritative free dictionary, "Arts" in this usage lines up with definitions 8, 10, 11, and 5 (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/arts).
Furthermore, if we really want to get into it (which I do) the term should ideally convey that there were khudsovets for each discipline-- thus I propose an Arts Council of Animation, an Arts Council of Painting, and so on.
Proposed translations
something to choose | Alexandra Taggart |
Proposed translations
1 hr
Arts Council
English speakers know them as "Arts Councils", I think. I agree that the Soviet khudsovets were actually governing the arts, (since they could censor it). 'Art Council' sounds right to me.
Note added at 15 час (2010-01-03 14:43:29 GMT)
... could censor THEM, sorry
Note added at 15 час (2010-01-03 14:43:29 GMT)
... could censor THEM, sorry
Example sentence:
The Arts Council did, however, allow me to make the film, but without much enthusiasm.
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Dr Lofthouse
13 hrs
Thank you!
agree |
Vladimir Dubisskiy
: while, "artistic" looks like the council members have some artistic skills :-))
14 hrs
Thank you, Vladimir!
agree |
1 day 10 hrs
Большое спасибо!
agree |
Armida Alvandyan
10 days
Thank you, Armida!
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Thanks!"
4 mins
6 mins
creative review committee
редакционно-художественный совет - creative review committee
http://www.multitran.ru/c/m.exe?a=3&s=�������������� �����&sc=91&l1=2&l2=1
http://www.multitran.ru/c/m.exe?a=3&s=�������������� �����&sc=91&l1=2&l2=1
13 mins
Film Council
Well, there's an equivalent Film Council in the UK if that helps (if it's a movie you're translating subtitles for). They oversee the movie industry from a regulatory and cultural point of view and are most famous for their logos at the beginning of every movie that's shown in the cinemas =) with minimum age requirements (12, 12A, 15 etc.)
Note added at 19 mins (2010-01-02 23:39:20 GMT)
there's an American equivalent as well: Motion Picture Association http://www.mpaa.org/ - if it's there why was 2012 ever released? =)
Note added at 19 mins (2010-01-02 23:39:20 GMT)
there's an American equivalent as well: Motion Picture Association http://www.mpaa.org/ - if it's there why was 2012 ever released? =)
49 mins
Arts Censoring Committee / Censor Committee on ...
Худсовет (Художественный совет) — вид органа культурной власти в СССР.
Худсоветы составлялись из членов союзов композиторов, писателей, кинематографистов, а также партийных и комсомольских функционеров, заинтересованных в искусстве. Постоянного состава худсоветы не имели, для каждого отдельного случая состав совета формировался отдельно.
Любая программа музыкальной группы, театральной труппы, новый фильм и другие произведения массового искусства должны были проходить **утверждение худсоветом**. Члены совета могли высказывать артистам претензии и предложения по материалу, которые должны были быть услышаны.
В задачу худсоветов входила **как политическая, так и нравственная, и качественная цензура материала**. Произведения, противоречащие общественной морали, советской идеологии, или просто низкого качества, отсеивались, не проходя этот барьер. **Отсутствие одобрения от худсовета ставило крест на планах проката фильмов и исполнения программ**.
“This new **committee** will play an important role in implementing key recommendations of the Arts Task Force and in providing broader guidance on the role of the arts at Harvard.”
Note added at 13 hrs (2010-01-03 12:30:02 GMT)
Dear Asker, no, the Soviet Government NEVER used such words as "sensorship" but just because it didn't want anybody to admit the existance of such things as sensorship and dictatorship in the USSR. The main duty of all these committees was "не пущать!!!" and they really WERE governmental sensoring bodies in their essence. To call them "artistic councils" is kind of anfare towards all those talented Russian artists, musitions, etc. who were persecuted in the USSR. But as far as just words translation is concerned, yes, "artistic council" is absolutely OK. Hmm... why then it seems "garbage and cry foul" to you? I am a bit confused...
Note added at 13 hrs (2010-01-03 12:31:42 GMT)
*unfair, sorry
Худсоветы составлялись из членов союзов композиторов, писателей, кинематографистов, а также партийных и комсомольских функционеров, заинтересованных в искусстве. Постоянного состава худсоветы не имели, для каждого отдельного случая состав совета формировался отдельно.
Любая программа музыкальной группы, театральной труппы, новый фильм и другие произведения массового искусства должны были проходить **утверждение худсоветом**. Члены совета могли высказывать артистам претензии и предложения по материалу, которые должны были быть услышаны.
В задачу худсоветов входила **как политическая, так и нравственная, и качественная цензура материала**. Произведения, противоречащие общественной морали, советской идеологии, или просто низкого качества, отсеивались, не проходя этот барьер. **Отсутствие одобрения от худсовета ставило крест на планах проката фильмов и исполнения программ**.
“This new **committee** will play an important role in implementing key recommendations of the Arts Task Force and in providing broader guidance on the role of the arts at Harvard.”
Note added at 13 hrs (2010-01-03 12:30:02 GMT)
Dear Asker, no, the Soviet Government NEVER used such words as "sensorship" but just because it didn't want anybody to admit the existance of such things as sensorship and dictatorship in the USSR. The main duty of all these committees was "не пущать!!!" and they really WERE governmental sensoring bodies in their essence. To call them "artistic councils" is kind of anfare towards all those talented Russian artists, musitions, etc. who were persecuted in the USSR. But as far as just words translation is concerned, yes, "artistic council" is absolutely OK. Hmm... why then it seems "garbage and cry foul" to you? I am a bit confused...
Note added at 13 hrs (2010-01-03 12:31:42 GMT)
*unfair, sorry
Note from asker:
I think that labeling them boards or committees of censorship would be disloyal to the original term-- they weren't called censorship committees by the Soviet government, probably because they saw their mission as something broader. |
1 day 10 hrs
expert panel on/for
There's a variety of expert panels on the Net. It's a very general term, of course. But maybe that's something you are looking for as you can easily make it specific, like "expert panel on animation", etc.
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Alexandra Taggart
: I hope the asker will pay attention.
2 days 9 hrs
Thank you.
Reference comments
42 mins
of or characteristic of art or artists 2) performed, made, or arranged decoratively and tastefully; aesthetically pleasing 3) appreciative of and sensitive to beauty in art 4) naturally gifted with creative skill
Arts Board - probaby, but Arts Council sounds better (to me).
Also, I noticed in this parallel Kudoz entry that the author of the chosen definition cited no sources.