Aug 17, 2012 18:55
12 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Russian term

соискатель кафедры

Russian to English Science Law (general) University structure
Полный текст фразы звучит так: соискатель кафедры конституционного и муниципального права
Change log

Aug 17, 2012 23:00: Vanda Nissen changed "Level" from "Non-PRO" to "PRO"

Votes to reclassify question as PRO/non-PRO:

PRO (3): Maria Sometti (Anishchankava), LanaUK, Vanda Nissen

When entering new questions, KudoZ askers are given an opportunity* to classify the difficulty of their questions as 'easy' or 'pro'. If you feel a question marked 'easy' should actually be marked 'pro', and if you have earned more than 20 KudoZ points, you can click the "Vote PRO" button to recommend that change.

How to tell the difference between "easy" and "pro" questions:

An easy question is one that any bilingual person would be able to answer correctly. (Or in the case of monolingual questions, an easy question is one that any native speaker of the language would be able to answer correctly.)

A pro question is anything else... in other words, any question that requires knowledge or skills that are specialized (even slightly).

Another way to think of the difficulty levels is this: an easy question is one that deals with everyday conversation. A pro question is anything else.

When deciding between easy and pro, err on the side of pro. Most questions will be pro.

* Note: non-member askers are not given the option of entering 'pro' questions; the only way for their questions to be classified as 'pro' is for a member or members to re-classify it.

Proposed translations

4 hrs

candidate for the chair of constitutional and municipa law

I think that's it!

Note added at 4 hrs (2012-08-17 23:36:16 GMT)

well, it would be if I could spell "municipal"!
Peer comment(s):

agree svetlana cosquéric : PhD candidate at the Department of ...
14 hrs
agree cyhul
13 days
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks so much. Very helpful"
1 hr

department candidate

Definition of соискатель -
Peer comment(s):

disagree Natalie : Такой вариант совершенно не соответствует значению
45 mins
Something went wrong...

Reference comments

18 hrs


Соискатель – это человек, имеющий высшее профессиональное образование, прикрепленный по решению совета факультета приказом ректора к кафедре, для подготовки диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата наук без обучения в аспирантуре. Срок подготовки кандидатской диссертации в форме соискательства – 3 года.
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