This question was closed without grading. Reason: Other
Mar 3, 2013 12:56
11 yrs ago
Slovak term
podiel súčtu
Slovak to English
Mathematics & Statistics
cena je vypočítaná ako podiel súčtu denných/týždenných hodnôt jedného litra
Thank you
Thank you
Proposed translations
4 +1 | arithmetic average | Michal Zugec |
3 | Weighted average | DLyons |
Proposed translations
7 mins
arithmetic average
Podiel súčtu je aritmetický priemer. A tak by som to aj preložil. Prípadne aj "arithmetic mean"
Example sentence:
An arithmetic average is the sum of a series of numbers divided by the count of that series of numbers. Read more:
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Petr Kedzior
: souhlasím, i když ta věta není asi úplná, mělo by tam být ještě, čím se to dělí
5 mins
15 mins
Weighted average
Some context would really help - but from what we have this seems to really mean "vážený (aritmetický ) priemer".
Thank you.
I will post no more on this question :-)
Mo: €1.25
Tue: €1.27
We: €1.25
Thu: €1.26
Fri: €1.24
The arithmetic average would be calculated as follows: (1.25+1.27+1.25+1.26+1.24)/5 = €1.254
There is no "weighted average" as all the daily values have a weight of 1.
But assume, you want to take into account the volume of gas sold on each day. On Mo, you sell 1500 l, on Tue 1300 l, on Wed 1000 l, on Thu 1100 l, Fri 2000 l.
Then you can calculate the weighted avg price as follows: (1500*1.25+1300*1.27+1000*1.25+1100*1.26+2000*1.24)/(1500+1300+1000+1100+2000)*5 = €1.2524
So, the weighted 5-day average price taking into account the volume sold on each day would be €1.2524. The daily prices are weigted as per the volume sold.
Weighting by day number would be weird!