Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:


English translation:

ad hoc

Added to glossary by David Russi
Dec 10, 2004 17:56
20 yrs ago
17 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Other Accounting General conversation

El contexto es:

sistema informático diseñado ad-hoc

¿Será "customized" o qué significa ad-hoc?

Gracias a todos,

Proposed translations

2 mins

ad hoc


1ad hoc
Pronunciation:(*)ad*h*k, -*k also (*)*d-
Etymology:New Latin, literally, for this

: for the particular end or purpose at hand and without reference to wider application or employment *a special member appointed ad hoc according to the problem being considered

María Moliner
ad hoc.
Expresión latina de uso frecuente en lenguaje culto, que significa «a propósito»: no hecho ya o aplicable a cualquier caso, sino hecho precisamente para el caso de que se trata.
(V. «*adecuado, facticio».)

Peer comment(s):

agree Juan Jacob : Voir Tintin et le Capitaine Haddock.
44 mins
agree Michele Fauble
51 mins
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Muchas gracias por la explicaciòn detallada. "
2 mins

ad hoc/ for this, for this case

Se puede mantener en latín.
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4 mins

ad-hoc, tailor-made, custom-made

ad-hoc, tailor-made, custom-made
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