Jun 6, 2010 02:38
14 yrs ago
6 viewers *
Spanish term

esquema de canasta (CSA)

Spanish to English Social Sciences Agriculture
¡Socorro amigos! No logro descifrar la frase "esquema de canasta" - peor con el (CSA) - aunque aparece muchas veces en google. Abajo está la frase en la que se encuentra en mi documento:
En los años que lleva xxx organización trabajando, se ha lo grado el establecimiento de 4 Granjas Integrales coordinadas por exalumnos/as, y otras 5 están en proceso de formación; asimismo ha logrado establecer entre éstos y otros grupos, una red de comercio justo y abasto local bajo un esquema de canasta (CSA)...
Si me pueden ayudar a entender qué significa y cómo se traduciría estaría muy agradecida. (Es del perfil de un proyecto de desarrollo en México.)

Proposed translations

16 mins

box/basket scheme - Community-supported agriculture (CSA)

I think this is suitable here.


Community-supported agriculture (in Canada Community Shared Agriculture) (CSA) is a socio-economic model of agriculture and food distribution. A CSA consists of a community of individuals who pledge support to a farm operation where the growers and consumers share the risks and benefits of food production. CSAs usually consist of a system of weekly delivery or pick-up of vegetables and fruit in a vegetable box scheme, sometimes including dairy products and meat.

Note added at 8 hrs (2010-06-06 10:58:35 GMT)

As I suggested before, you can also use "box scheme"


Box schemes have gained popularity in the last 10 years and are becoming more and more common, especially in urban areas. If you are a member of a box scheme you will have a ‘box’ of fresh, seasonal fruit or vegetables delivered to you at regular intervals.

Box schemes are organised by the farmer, a wholesaler, or by someone in the community who connects directly with a farmer or wholesaler. Box schemes usually operate at the local community level but some ...

Hope this helps!

Note added at 18 hrs (2010-06-06 20:53:54 GMT)

Glad this helped :)
Note from asker:
Thanks very much Maria and all who commented. CSA definition sounds great. Basket scheme doesn't sound quite right to me. Maybe produce basket system? Any thoughts? Thanks again!
Thanks again, Maria!
Peer comment(s):

agree Michelle Martoglio : Yup! This is it.
9 mins
Thank you very much Michel :))
agree David Hollywood
1 hr
Mil gracias y saludos David :))
agree Constantinos Faridis (X)
3 hrs
Muchas gracias y saludos Constantinos :))
agree Bubo Coroman (X)
3 hrs
Muchas gracias y saludos Deborah :)
agree Evans (X)
6 hrs
Muchas gracias y saludos Gilla :)
agree neilmac : "basket/box scheme" sounds just fine to me :)
13 hrs
Thank you very much neil :))
agree Jenni Lukac (X)
14 hrs
Thank you very much Jenni :))
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