Jan 8, 2010 20:23
14 yrs ago
Spanish term

Lo que se hereda no se compra

Spanish to English Art/Literary Idioms / Maxims / Sayings
Hola, Prozianos...
¿Alguno conoce esta frase en inglés?

Change log

Jan 8, 2010 20:25: Erik Bry changed "Language pair" from "English to Spanish" to "Spanish to English"


Rosa Paredes Jan 9, 2010:
Y el contexto?
claudia16 (X) Jan 9, 2010:
Bien interesante... De tal palo, tal astilla, es la forma que tiene el Refranero de reconocer la herencia genética.

Los hijos suelen parecerse a sus progenitores, en algunos rasgos físicos e incluso en el carácter. Y es ésta la expresión que suele utilizarse al reconocer en el hijo rasgos o comportamientos propios del padre.

No en vano se llama vástago al hijo o descendiente, cuando la primera acepción del término es ’renuevo o ramo tierno que brota del árbol o de otra planta’.
Laura Ojeda Jan 9, 2010:
Concuerdo con Marga. Hace alusión a las características que se transmiten de padres a hijos. Es lo mismo que "De tal palo, tal astilla", o que "Hijo de tigre nace/sale pintado". A este último también lo he visto como "Hijo de tigre, pintito".

Saludos :)

Margarita Gonzalez Jan 9, 2010:
El refrán es "Lo que se hereda no se hurta/compra", con igual significado, en mi opinión, que "De tal palo, tal astilla" (como bien traduce Claudia); expresión un tanto derrotista para significar que no deben asombrarnos los actos de x, si es hijo de X.
Richard Boulter Jan 9, 2010:
Each implication is applicable, but Each suggested English maxim - including Joel's - is applicable, but each one implies different things about 'inherited traits or goods or connections'. Further context on the query is essential to our helping to set a proper translation/replacement with a Spanish maxim having similar implications for the source of the present Query.
Rosa Paredes Jan 9, 2010:
Alejandra Y el contexto? ...
margaret caulfield Jan 8, 2010:
Alejandra, Context is absolutely vital here for an accurate translation. Please give some!
philgoddard Jan 8, 2010:
Could we have some context please?

Proposed translations

41 mins

Like father like son

is a chip off the old block
Peer comment(s):

agree bcsantos
11 mins
gracias bcsantos
agree Ana Brause
2 hrs
gracias Ana
agree jacana54 (X)
14 hrs
gracias Lucia
agree Margarita Gonzalez : Concuerdo contigo: le diste en el clavo con ambos refranes.
20 hrs
muchas gracias MargaEsther
agree marybro : agree with both
1 day 15 hrs
thank you marybro
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
3 mins

It seems to run in the family

Lo que se hereda no se roba/hurta

Fuente: Oxford
Peer comment(s):

agree Leonardo Lamarche : agree. You may leave out "seems to"(and add an s tu run)
13 mins
Tal cual. Gracias y ¡buen año!
agree luis s velasco : it runs in the family
3 hrs
Gracias, Luis :)
agree Ines Garcia Botana : Exacto. It runs in the family.
4 hrs
Muchas gracias, Ines :D
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13 mins

it´s in the blood

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43 mins

Spare the rod and spoil the child

meaning: If you don't punish a child when he does wrong, you will spoil his character...

This one is hard!

My recommendation, hint on sayings and you probably find out something similar... The two links below are OK. Hope that helps.
Peer comment(s):

disagree philgoddard : It says, literally "What you inherit you cannot buy". I can't see how you get to this.
4 mins
Is a saying... And please enlighten me... What will be the meaning for your literal quote in English?
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1 hr

born with a silver spoon in his mouth


It's not what you know, it's who you know

Both of the above imply that either birth or good/family connections will get you a long way without having to work or study too hard - which is how I interpret the question (pending any context)

‘born with a silver spoon’, an old naval saying to indicate those young gentlemen who, through birth or connection, were able to enter the Royal Navy without examination and whose subsequent promotion was assured. They were said to enter the navy through cabin windows in distinction from those others, said to have been born with a wooden ladle, who rose by merit and were said to enter the navy through the hawseholes.

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3 hrs

Heritage cannot be bought

If in doubt... translate the sentence.
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