Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Spanish term or phrase:
quedando a salvo el reconocimiento moral como autor
English translation:
except for the moral recognition as its author
Added to glossary by
Ricardo Galarza
Sep 17, 2008 13:43
16 yrs ago
6 viewers *
Spanish term
quedando a salvo el reconocimiento moral como autor
Spanish to English
Law: Contract(s)
Employment agreement
This phrase appears in an agreement that needs to be signed by a new employee of a Spanish company as follows:
Por su condición de empleado por cuenta ajena el trabajador conoce y acepta todas las creaciones, ideas y proyectos fruto de su trabajo y realizados con ocasión de la relación laboral con la empresa pasarán a ser propiedad de esta, que ostentará en consecuencia todos los derechos de propiedad industrial/intelectual sobre los mismos, ***quedando a salvo el reconocimiento moral como autor.***
Spanish from Spain for UK English. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance for any help!
Por su condición de empleado por cuenta ajena el trabajador conoce y acepta todas las creaciones, ideas y proyectos fruto de su trabajo y realizados con ocasión de la relación laboral con la empresa pasarán a ser propiedad de esta, que ostentará en consecuencia todos los derechos de propiedad industrial/intelectual sobre los mismos, ***quedando a salvo el reconocimiento moral como autor.***
Spanish from Spain for UK English. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance for any help!
Proposed translations
Change log
Oct 1, 2008 04:21: Ricardo Galarza Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
7 mins
except for the moral recognition (acknowledgment) as its author
Good luck!
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
6 mins
.., without detriment of /while acknowledging the moral rights of the author
Moral Rights
The moral rights of an author, artist or creator entitle them:
* to be named as the author
* to be protected against false attribution
* to have their work treated with respect and not be misrepresented.
Moral rights:
* apply to the creators of copyright works
* are separate from the entitlement of a copyright owner to payment
* generally last for 70 years after the author's death.
To observe the moral rights of an author you should:
* attribute any quote, paraphrase, summary or copy of someone else's work or idea
* ensure that works are not falsely attributed to an author
* reference appropriately.
Note added at 9 mins (2008-09-17 13:53:18 GMT)
Author is the sole, original and perpetual holder of moral rights for his works. .... Without detriment of author's rights for adapted or included work, ... - 43k -
It is quite clear that human rights, as legal rights or as moral rights, ... Both books, without detriment to their high merit and not only as initial ...
without detriment TO...
The moral rights of an author, artist or creator entitle them:
* to be named as the author
* to be protected against false attribution
* to have their work treated with respect and not be misrepresented.
Moral rights:
* apply to the creators of copyright works
* are separate from the entitlement of a copyright owner to payment
* generally last for 70 years after the author's death.
To observe the moral rights of an author you should:
* attribute any quote, paraphrase, summary or copy of someone else's work or idea
* ensure that works are not falsely attributed to an author
* reference appropriately.
Note added at 9 mins (2008-09-17 13:53:18 GMT)
Author is the sole, original and perpetual holder of moral rights for his works. .... Without detriment of author's rights for adapted or included work, ... - 43k -
It is quite clear that human rights, as legal rights or as moral rights, ... Both books, without detriment to their high merit and not only as initial ...
without detriment TO...
Peer comment(s):
disagree |
liz askew
: no son "derechos" sino "reconocimiento" - //So if the text says "moral acknowledgement" then my answer is correct ?:-)
8 mins
reconocimiento moral implica necesariamente que el autor tiene 'derechos' morales sobre su obra. ¿Tanto te molestó mi justificación que cambiaste un 'neutral' por un 'disagree' sin dar más explicaciones? El texto dice "moral acknowledgment".
agree |
Rebecca Jowers
: I agree that this expression implies that the employee retains all moral rights in any work he creates for his employee. ("Moral rights" is an intellectual property law expression as opposed to other types of IP rights)
32 mins
Thanks a lot Rebecca ; ) Professional translators, translate meaning (not decontextualized words
14 mins
Without any harm to the moral recognition as its author
My suggestion.
13 mins
without damaging the moral acknowledgement as an author
Katz Editores: Notas de prensa de Reificación. Un estudio en la ...
- [ Translate this page ]
autor de la nota: José Félix Baselga medio: La Torre del Virrey - España ... intelectual durante los últimos años: su teoría del reconocimiento moral, [. ... - 19k - Cached - Similar pages
Virtue Ethics: A Pluralistic View - Google Books Result
by Christine Swanton - 2003 - Philosophy - 312 pages
This section focuses on the second of these sources, which I have called the bases of moral acknowledgement. The discussion focuses on two problems. ...
Note added at 14 mins (2008-09-17 13:58:06 GMT)
Keeping the moral acknowledgement as an author intact...
Note added at 1 hr (2008-09-17 14:51:17 GMT)
Save Article to My Profile Download Citation
Abstract | Full Text: PDF (1178k) | Related Articles | Citation Tracking
The Elusiveness of Moral Recognition and the Imaginary Place of Fiction
1 Department of Philosophy, University of California, Riverside
Copyright 1991 Blackwell Publishing Limited.
No Abstract
Note added at 1 hr (2008-09-17 14:53:22 GMT)
STOR: JHS/MS Idea Factory: Writing as a Moral Act: Developing a ...
(JG & BH) Recognition of writing as a social act simultane- ously mandates its recognition as a moral one. Conventions like spelling, capitalization, ... - Similar pages
by CB Dilworth Jr - 1978
Note added at 1 hr (2008-09-17 14:55:28 GMT)
Note added at 1 hr (2008-09-17 15:03:51 GMT)
Here is another reference:
Zer. Revista de estudios de comunicación
- [ Translate this page ]
A pesar de los derechos sobre la obra que mantenga el empresario, el autor creativo mantiene el reconocimiento moral de ser el autor de la obra así como el ... - 35k - Cached - Similar pages
by PMV Gestal - Related articles - All 2 versions
Now, if "reconcocimiento moral" = "derechos morales" then please tell me :-)
To me, personally, they mean two entirely different things.
Note added at 1 hr (2008-09-17 15:06:09 GMT)
And, here we have "el reconocimiento de los derechos morales..."
- [ Translate this page ]
El derecho moral de autor tiene su origen en la legislación francesa, .... significativo a favor del reconocimiento de los derechos morales de los autores. ... - 27k - Cached - Similar pages
Katz Editores: Notas de prensa de Reificación. Un estudio en la ...
- [ Translate this page ]
autor de la nota: José Félix Baselga medio: La Torre del Virrey - España ... intelectual durante los últimos años: su teoría del reconocimiento moral, [. ... - 19k - Cached - Similar pages
Virtue Ethics: A Pluralistic View - Google Books Result
by Christine Swanton - 2003 - Philosophy - 312 pages
This section focuses on the second of these sources, which I have called the bases of moral acknowledgement. The discussion focuses on two problems. ...
Note added at 14 mins (2008-09-17 13:58:06 GMT)
Keeping the moral acknowledgement as an author intact...
Note added at 1 hr (2008-09-17 14:51:17 GMT)
Save Article to My Profile Download Citation
Abstract | Full Text: PDF (1178k) | Related Articles | Citation Tracking
The Elusiveness of Moral Recognition and the Imaginary Place of Fiction
1 Department of Philosophy, University of California, Riverside
Copyright 1991 Blackwell Publishing Limited.
No Abstract
Note added at 1 hr (2008-09-17 14:53:22 GMT)
STOR: JHS/MS Idea Factory: Writing as a Moral Act: Developing a ...
(JG & BH) Recognition of writing as a social act simultane- ously mandates its recognition as a moral one. Conventions like spelling, capitalization, ... - Similar pages
by CB Dilworth Jr - 1978
Note added at 1 hr (2008-09-17 14:55:28 GMT)
Note added at 1 hr (2008-09-17 15:03:51 GMT)
Here is another reference:
Zer. Revista de estudios de comunicación
- [ Translate this page ]
A pesar de los derechos sobre la obra que mantenga el empresario, el autor creativo mantiene el reconocimiento moral de ser el autor de la obra así como el ... - 35k - Cached - Similar pages
by PMV Gestal - Related articles - All 2 versions
Now, if "reconcocimiento moral" = "derechos morales" then please tell me :-)
To me, personally, they mean two entirely different things.
Note added at 1 hr (2008-09-17 15:06:09 GMT)
And, here we have "el reconocimiento de los derechos morales..."
- [ Translate this page ]
El derecho moral de autor tiene su origen en la legislación francesa, .... significativo a favor del reconocimiento de los derechos morales de los autores. ... - 27k - Cached - Similar pages
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
: ¿referencias para 'moral acknowledgement' in reference to authorship? The one from jstor refers to 'moral act', all the links in googlebooks are related to philosophy or religion, or ethics
1 hr
Exactly, this is about ethics.
5 hrs
thus his [or her] moral recognition is protected
Otra opción.
Note added at 5 hrs (2008-09-17 19:43:15 GMT)
..thus his [or her] moral recognition as an author is thereby protected.
Note added at 5 hrs (2008-09-17 19:43:15 GMT)
..thus his [or her] moral recognition as an author is thereby protected.
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