Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

tapones de moco en los bronquios

English translation:

bronchial mucus plugs

Added to glossary by felizfeliz
Apr 23, 2005 22:27
19 yrs ago
7 viewers *
Spanish term

tapones de moco en los bronquios

Spanish to English Medical Medical (general) Pathology
Infiltrado monocítico peribronquial asociado a destrucción focal de la mucosa de los bronquiolos. "Tapones" de moco en bronquios, ocasionales. Infiltrado inflamatorio polimorfonuclear focal, intraalveolar con atelectasia focal.

Proposed translations

10 mins

bronchial mucus plugs

mucous is an adjective. Mucus is a noun.

Mucus Plugs in the Ventral Bronchi Travel Less Distance Than Those ...
... To examine on HRCT whether there is a difference in the respiratory moving
distance of bronchial mucus plugs between ventral and dorsal bronchi. ... abstract_e.php?bn=20046404&no=2 -

Note added at 14 mins (2005-04-23 22:42:23 GMT)

[Plastic bronchitis and mucoid impaction--uncommon disease ...
Mucoid impaction and plastic bronchitis are relatively rare disorders caused by
... impaction--uncommon disease syndromes with expectoration mucus plugs] ... db=PubMed&list_uids=11475559&dopt=Abstract

\"Why Are Expiratory Muscle Aids Needed?
\" Although the ability to inspire deeply is very important, the primary muscles for effective coughing are the muscles of expiration or the abdominal muscles. Clearing airway secretions and bronchial mucus plugs may be a continual problem for patients with airway or lung disease and for those who cannot swallow saliva without aspiration. For patients with GAH and functional bulbar musculature it becomes a problem during upper respiratory tract infections, following general anesthesia, and during other periods of bronchial hypersecretion.\"
Quote from John Bach, MD at site below.
Peer comment(s):

agree Refugio
3 mins
agree Egmont
13 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
2 mins

bronchial muck plugs


Note added at 3 mins (2005-04-23 22:31:08 GMT)

Headline -- reading headline# 2005020538 - [ Diese Seite übersetzen ]
... were filled with \"thick mud\" and that Keiser\'s throat and bronchial trees -
tubes leading toward the lungs - were filled with \"thick, muddy plugs.\" ... - 15k - Im Cache - Ähnliche Seiten

Weekly Firesign Chat Log - [ Diese Seite übersetzen ]
... doctec: well guys, i have to call it quits - convalescing from bronchial ...
Phil Austin: muck: still there? Is it just raining constantly? any signs of ...
Peer comment(s):

neutral Kim Metzger : Muck plugs?
59 mins
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4 mins

bronchial mucous plugging

"...***Bronchial mucous plugging*** is the main precipitating factor of acute respiratory failure for patients with neuromuscular disease. Manually assisted coughing and mechanical insufflation-exsufflation can effectively eliminate airway secretions without resorting to tracheal intubation provided that bulbar muscle function is sufficient to permit assisted peak cough flows of 160 l/min or greater. We now report successful use of mechanical insufflation-exsufflation to prevent acute respiratory failure for a patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with no measurable peak cough flow. ..."

Good luck from Oso ¶:^)
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8 mins

bronquial mucous plugs...

Bronchial mucous plug with associated hyperaeration...

Tambien podrias decir "mucoid impaction" y estaria bien, pero la primera expresion es mas comunmente usada.

Note added at 10 mins (2005-04-23 22:38:30 GMT)

\"error\" mio, el termino es en plural. La respuesta de Oso es la correcta. Sorry...

Note added at 12 mins (2005-04-23 22:40:14 GMT)

Bronchial, NOT \"bronquial\"...
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