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Mar 27, 2008 20:50
16 yrs ago
5 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Medical Medical (general) general surgery
Chest x-ray report: "Presencia de clips de sutura por cesternorrafía." Googling this word gets NO hits. Closest thing I know is "cystorraphy" (for me, an antiquated term that doesn't say much). Also, you wouldn't see bladder clips on a chest x-ray, would you? Could it refer to gallbladder? Is it a typo? Thanks for any ideas.
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Yasser El Helw Mar 27, 2008:
I think the "C" should be deleted. The English equivalent would be: sternal closure. Good luck!
Lesley Jackson (X) (asker) Mar 27, 2008:
Just noticed elsewhere in the record that patient had coronary bypass surgery about 5 days before this chest x-ray... so the "clips de sutura" would be related to that, perhaps (?) LJ

Proposed translations

54 mins

Sternal x-Ray

Looks like two words mumbled into one with a jigger of creativeness.
Makes context sense.
Peer comment(s):

agree Yasser El Helw : I think the correct word is: "esternorrafia". The incision for the operation is a midsternal one and the sternum is later closed with metallic sutures. That is why they appear in the chest x-ray.
32 mins
agree carlie602 : ok
44 mins
neutral liz askew : Nothing to do with sternal X-Ray.
1 hr
Something went wrong...
3 hrs

sternal sutures

The suffix -orrhaphy means "suturing; repairing"

There doesn't appear to be a word "sternorrhaphy" in English, but it's certainly OK to say "sternal sutures" (580 hits on Google):

that stainless-steel sternal sutures might. break and provoke recurrent and intermit-. tent chest pain. ... the sternal sutures are essential for early ...

Polydioxanone sternal sutures for prevention of sternal dehiscence. [My paper] Nicola Luciani , Amedeo Anselmi , Fabrizio Gandolfo , Mario Gaudino ...

10 sternal sutures = 7.1, 12 sternal sutures = 8.5. 2.3.2. Determination of S for a sternal closure using .... nal segments enclosed by the sternal sutures. ...

Note added at 12 hrs (2008-03-28 08:56:39 GMT)

For your translation, I would say: "Presence of suture clips used to suture the sternum:
Peer comment(s):

agree Yasser El Helw : Exactly!
7 hrs
neutral liz askew : Sternal clips are present because of sternal sutures?? How does that makes sense?//No, I read this as "owing to/due to".
8 hrs
The clips ARE the suturing process. POR = 'by way of'. Literally: "Presence of suture clips used as the means of suturing the sternum' (it sounds redudant because the Latin word doesn't exist in English).
agree Rachel Fell : Thank you Muriel (I had a similar phrase to this today) ;-)
1122 days
Thanks, Richael!
Something went wrong...
2 hrs


seems to be “esternorrafía”, in Brazilian Portuguese!

LILACS - Resultado página 1
- [ Translate this page ]
Título: Esternorrafia secundária em cirurgia cardíaca pediátrica / Secondary sternotomy in pediatric heart surgery. Fonte: Arq. bras. cardiol;62(2):103-6, ... - 33k - Cached - Similar pages

Sternotomy A type of incision in the center of the chest, that separates the sternum (chestbone) to ... Sternotomy diagram, showing the sternum and incision ... - 35k - Cached - Similar pages

Note added at 11 hrs (2008-03-28 08:37:33 GMT)

Here is the definition of sternotomy:

Glossary of Terms

A type of incision in the center of the chest, that separates the sternum (chestbone) to allow access to the heart.

Note added at 11 hrs (2008-03-28 08:40:28 GMT)

Sternotomy has NOTHING to do with actual removal of a piece of the sternum!!

Note added at 11 hrs (2008-03-28 08:42:12 GMT)

If the patient has has coronary artery by-pass surgery they would perform a sternotomy to gain access to the heart....

dear oh dear

Note added at 11 hrs (2008-03-28 08:43:37 GMT)

JAMA -- A 68-Year-Old Man With COPD Contemplating Colon Cancer ...
16 May 2007 ... A chest x-ray shows hyperinflation with flattening of the diaphragms. There are mediastinal clips and sternotomy sutures. ... - Similar pages

Note added at 11 hrs (2008-03-28 08:49:44 GMT)

Note added at 12 hrs (2008-03-28 08:52:38 GMT)


I have found something else

both "esternorrafia" and "esternotomia " exist in Portuguese

Após a indução anestésica, um cateter-balão de termodiluição foi introduzido através de punção da veia jugular interna direita e avançado até sua impactação distal na árvore pulmonar. O sistema foi conectado a um computador para registro e cálculo das variáveis hemodinâmicas: índice cardíaco (IC), índice de trabalho sistólico do ventrículo esquerdo (ITSVE), índice de resistência vascular pulmonar (IRVP) e índice de resistência vascular sistêmica (IRVS). As medidas foram realizadas em quatro tempos: IO1 - antes da esternotomia mediana, IO2 - antes da administração de heparina, IO3 - após a administração de sulfato de protamina, e IO4 - após a esternorrafia.

Um transdutor transesofágico foi posicionado para avaliação ecodopplercardiográfica qualitativa intra-operatória em dois tempos: durante a abertura do tórax e após a saída de circulação extracorpórea.

Todas as operações foram realizadas com esternotomia mediana.

Note added at 12 hrs (2008-03-28 08:53:29 GMT)

Sternal suturing


Sternotomy is absolutely fine too.

Note added at 12 hrs (2008-03-28 08:58:49 GMT)


sternotomy sutures

I still think I was on exactly the right track.

And at least I provide references.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Yasser El Helw : Sternotomy is the act of cutting the sternum open, which is the opposite of suturing! Thanks to Slothm, we know we are dealing witht he sternum :-) Yes, but "-rrafia" means repairing not cutting! THE QUESTION IS ABOUT REPAIR AND YOU INSIST ON CUTTING!
9 hrs
The reason the suture clips are there in the first place is because a sternotomy has been carried out!!
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