This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Mar 1, 2005 13:09
19 yrs ago
Spanish term
usage mix
Spanish to English
Medical: Instruments
Es un texto sobre alambres guía y stents
Wire Flexibility & Rail Support
Floppy/Light Support
Most flexible and least rail support
Rail Support Usage Mix
Wire Flexibility & Rail Support
Floppy/Light Support
Most flexible and least rail support
Rail Support Usage Mix
Proposed translations
2 | uso mixto | Clare Macnamara |
Proposed translations
6 hrs
uso mixto
Is this Spanish to English as indicated in the heading? Looks as if you have **usage mix** in English already! If it's the Spanish you're looking for, it might be either **uso mixto**, which should really be **mixed use** in EN, or **mezcla (o combinación, si es un aparato)para el uso** (del Rail Support). ¿Me explico? Estaría bien tener un poco más de texto si lo tienes.
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