Jan 15, 2013 12:43
11 yrs ago
Spanish term

abordaje del sujeto

Spanish to English Social Sciences Psychology
Consideramos un abordaje del sujeto desde la perspectiva de la Pscicoloia Social...

It appears in a evaluation report of a family empowerment scheme
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franglish Jan 15, 2013:
more context i.e. at least preceding and following sentence would have been welcome!
Jenni Lukac (X) Jan 15, 2013:
I agree with Franglish. If an expert on the subject doesn't indicate otherwise, "approach" seems to me to be a suitable translation.
franglish Jan 15, 2013:
or ...an approach of the subject from the perspective of...
franglish Jan 15, 2013:
not difficult really approaching the subject

Proposed translations

1 hr
Spanish term (edited): Consideramos un abordaje del sujeto desde la perspectiva de la Pscicoloia Social.

The present evaluation has been conducted within the frame of reference of Social Psychology.

The Spanish seems a bit clunky. This is what seems to be the sense, conveyed in natural-sounding English. I don't think that using "approach" (though it of course reflects the intended sense of the original) would result in particularly natural English here.


Note added at 2 hrs (2013-01-15 15:26:47 GMT)

I posted my answer under the assumption that the sentence appears at the beginning of the report. If it appears later, then:

The individual [or use name] will no be considered within the framework of Social Psychology.
Note from asker:
Yes, it appears in the introduction.
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you"
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