Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:


English translation:

sprue, tapping

Added to glossary by Patricia Rosas
May 24, 2005 01:05
19 yrs ago
7 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Tech/Engineering
Again, from the Mexican piece on bronze casting:

A la pieza se le han añadido “coladas”, que son unos conductos por donde la cera se irá desalojando del interior del molde.

The entries in the KudoZ glossary aren't what I'm looking for. From what I've read, these could be gates, sprues, or vents, but I'm not sure which is the correct term to use here. *This time I am intentionally posting this under tech/engineering* Thank you!

Discussion May 24, 2005:
Knowing that you are having a tough time makes the tough time I've been having for three (!) days a little more bearable...thank you! (I may just go with does seem like a good vanilla solution.)
Margaret Schroeder May 24, 2005:
This is tricky! I thought I could help you, but I just found gates, sprues and vents, too. If it helps, it seems that vents is more general; i.e. vents can be either gates or sprues. Also, a "network of pipes" was mentioned.

Proposed translations

5 hrs

sprue, tapping

Hola Patricia,
Según el Diccionario Bilingüe Simon & Schuster's:

colada (metal.) **tapping** (of molten metal in blast furnace)

Según este enlace:

"... el punto de inyección, las opciones de punteras a ***colada (sprue)***, dejarán un pequeño tetón o rabillo de plástico desde la fase final de ..."

1. ***The hole through which molten material is chanelled into a mold.***
2. The waste material filling or protruding from this hole after hardening.
3. The usually plastic rod or framework that secures molded objects, such as model parts or game pieces, before their first use.

[Perhaps of Scots origin.]
2. Wax or metal used to form the pathway for forcing molten metal into a mold in the making of a dental casting.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language

Buena suerte y saludos del Oso ¶:^)
Peer comment(s):

agree Rachel Fell : sprue
5 hrs
agree carlie602
19 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "De nuevo, gracias a todos que me han acompanado en esta salida a terrenos nuevos para mí. Voy con "sprues" y doy las gracias por la información que compila Osa. Lo de Luiroi fue impresionante, pero ya lo había revisado, y fue precisamente como me quedaba vacilando entre los sprues, los gates, y los vents, y los tappings...what a nightmare! Thanks again, Oso, and everyone! Patricia"
39 mins

ground wax vents

this is it
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1 hr

wax conduits

I hope this helps. Note the use of conduits and "investment core" in the first reference... It could be useful.

Albert Brenner Bronze Sculpture - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... Wax conduits of vents, gates, and a pouring cup are attached to the wax model
to allow the flow of ... An investment core is poured into the wax figure. ... - 10k - En caché - Páginas similares

Bronze casting using the "lost wax" method - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... A network of wax conduits, called sprues and gates, are attached to the model. They
act as channels through which the wax, when heated, will escape. ... - 8k - Resultado Suplementario - En caché - Páginas similares

Beacon Journal | 01/19/2003 | Found: lost-wax casting process - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... Next, wax conduits, called sprues and gates, are attached to the model and
act as channels through which the melted wax will escape. ... entertainment/visual_arts/4977344.htm - 37k - Resultado Suplementario - En caché - Páginas similares
Around the Mall - Head’s Up - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... One by one, the enormous platter-shaped chunks of the wax head were fitted
with sprues, wax conduits for molten bronze. Then the pieces were dipped into ... smithsonian/issues01/oct01/mall.html - 16k - En caché - Páginas similares
Albert Brenner Bronze Sculpture - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... Wax conduits of vents, gates, and a pouring cup are attached to the wax model
to allow the flow of wax and metal. 7. An investment core is poured into ... - 10k - En caché - Páginas similares

Peer comment(s):

agree Rachel Fell : good-sounding refs. - I'd go for "sprues"
9 hrs
Thanks, Rachel!
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3 hrs

The molde is cast with "tappings", which allow the wax flow out.

tapping - (Met) sangría, colada

from the verb
tapping - extraer, sacar, colar, sangrar...
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