Oct 28, 2003 17:12
21 yrs ago
Spanish term


Spanish to English Tech/Engineering
Original text:


A classification of a type of manufacturing. Mexican Spanish.

Proposed translations

37 mins

production of holders for pen points

Check out these references (the first is Mexican):


El canutero, ya como instrumento, es el abuelo de los bolígrafos: mango de madera al que se le incrustaba una plumilla de metal; la punta de ésta se introducía en el frasco de tinta, entonces de vidrio, y la escritura tenía lugar, o los manchones de la corrección. Herencia del punzón o estilo, la pluma de ganso o péñola, hoy casi a punto de desaparecer, el canutero, ya como propuesta escritural, alcanza niveles creativos.


The first step toward turning the pen from a handmade tool into a manufactured commodity was taken sometime in the early 19th century, when mass-produced steel pen points began to appear. These could be stamped from sheet metal, shaped, slit, and sold very inexpensively. These had various holes and folds manufactured into them to hold ink and to dictate their writing characteristics. The writer simply fitted a point into a simple holder, dipped it in an inkwell, wrote a line, dipped, wrote a line, dipped .
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
35 mins

document tube manufacturing

realmente no estoy segura pero encontré document tube para canuto
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