Glossary entry

Swedish term or phrase:


English translation:

two fillets of Baltic herring [stuffed with dill or parsley]

Added to glossary by Christine Andersen
Jun 18, 2010 10:30
14 yrs ago
Swedish term


Swedish to English Other Cooking / Culinary type of fish on a menu
This is from a restaurant menu.
Plain, simple and delicious-sounding food, lots of fish with summer vegetables, strawberries, ice cream etc.

This is a freshly caught fish, fried and served with mashed potato with butter, dill and chives.

Precisely which kind of flatfish is this, please? Some kind of flounder? But not sole, plaice, halibut or turbot...

All help much appreciated!


Christine Andersen (asker) Jun 19, 2010:
Thanks everyone! I would never have learnt all this if I had just been able to find the answer in the dictionary!
Charles Ek Jun 19, 2010:
Stort tack, Ingemar! Tack för ett ypperligt svar.
Ingemar Kinnmark Jun 19, 2010:
A Little Closer To An Explanation Hopefully... Another Swedish reference:

Man ska låta fisken bli typ lite rumsvarm sen kan man ta tag i ryggraden och lyfta ut benen har testat med halvlyckat resultat, men i slutändan ska man ha så kallade sillaflundror, en ben fri sill som kan läggas ut som en flundra och stekas hel..



In other words, once you "rensar" a regular fish (non-flatfish) and you lay it out flat (i.e. what would normally make up 2 fillets, if you cut it apart) it will be flat and look (roughly) like a flatfish (I am interpreting the reference above). I suspect from the reference above that this way of preparing a fish. i.e. cleaning it out and laying out flat, made someone think it looks like a flatfish and you have a strömmingsflundra!

Linguistic roots are interesting!
Ingemar Kinnmark Jun 19, 2010:
Attempt At Explaining The Name Strömmingsflundra Excellent question, Charles! I got curious myself. I always loved this dish growing up in Sweden (with mashed potatoes - it is amazingly good). To start with, I believe "sillflundra" = "strömmningsflundra" (see for example the comment George made). This is what I found so far:

Swedish reference:


Döm om min förvåning när det stod sillflundra på mitt paket. Vet att småsill så småningom kallas strömming men var får dom namnet flundra ifrån i sammanhanget med vanlig färsk strömming? Har jag fel om detta så säg???


För att anknyta till sakfrågan. Enligt den gamle mästerkocken och hovtraktören Tore Wretman lär denna sillart som kallas för strömming bara förekomma i Östersjön i hela världen. En jättegod och billig fisk som det finns massor av officiella recept på. Toppenmat!

Flundra brukar man säga om den nyfångade färska fisken är rensad inklusive ryggben.

Christine Andersen (asker) Jun 19, 2010:
Recipe names are not always logical... I suspect that once filleted, one type of white fish is much like another in the kitchen. So a flattened herring could be served as ´flundra´.
There are no olives in 'beef olives' as a rule, known as 'benløse fugle' in Danish. And no fowl either!
Then there is ´forloren hare´ (Danish meat loaf, usually beef and/or pork).

And loads of other examples.

Proposed translations

11 mins

two fillets of Baltic herring [stuffed with dill or parsley]

See reference below.

Note added at 13 mins (2010-06-18 10:44:16 GMT)

From Norstedts Stora.

It is most likely a misspelling.

It should probably be:


This would be on a restaurant menu.

Note added at 39 mins (2010-06-18 11:09:46 GMT)

See also the following ProZ KudoZ entry:

Swedish term or phrase: strömmingsflundra
Danish translation: Fyldte sildefliter

Note from asker:
THANKS! Now I can find it in my dictionary too... I know lots of restaurants that are better at cooking than spelling. :-)
Peer comment(s):

agree Anna Herbst
1 hr
Tack Anna!
agree George Hopkins : Sill or strömming means herring.
2 hrs
Tack George!
Something went wrong...
3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks again!"
10 mins

Gulf stream flounder

I know it's supposed to be "freshly caught," but could it have traveled with some help from a Western Atlantic fishery? See the link for a description of the fish and its range, which extends to Georges Bank.

Note added at 1 day5 hrs (2010-06-19 16:21:37 GMT) Post-grading

Having seen Ingemar's answer, I concur! But could anyone tell me how the "flundra" came to be included in the name of this dish? Looking at this typical recipe --, I see nothing to suggest any similarity with flounders/flatfish, not even in the method of preparation.
Something went wrong...
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