Translation glossary: Law

Showing entries 51-100 of 133
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Filing Historyhistorique de dépôts 
English to French
formes et délais prévus aux contratsmanner and timescale set out in the contracts 
French to English
frais inhérents étant des accessoires decosts incurred being integral to ... 
French to English
garantir les assurancesensure that they are properly insured 
French to English
garantit la Compagnie contre son fait personnel et contre tout recours de tiersindemnifies the Company against his own acts and against all third party claims 
French to English
gestion du vivant demanagement/control during the lifetime of ... 
French to English
Inscrites sur l’acte postérieurement à l’établissement du présent extrait.Entered on the certificate subsequent to this extract being drawn up 
French to English
instrument ad hocad hoc instrument 
French to English
jugement d'orientationprocedural ruling 
French to English
la comparantethe applicant 
French to English
la date reprise en margethe date mentioned herein 
French to English
la jurisprudence a pu rappelercase law shows ... 
French to English
La langue francaise fait seule foiOnly (documents in) the French language shall be legally binding 
French to English
La succession de feu [...], ouverte ab initioThe estate of the late [...], initially opened ... 
French to English
la volonté des héritiers quant á l'estimation á retenirthe heirs' wishes as regards the valuation to be used 
French to English
le dossier répressifcriminal court record 
French to English
le temps nécessaire au respect de la confidentialité pour la propriété industrielle correspondantethe time necessary for acquisition of the relevant industrial property rights 
French to English
le temps nécessaire au respect de la confidentialité pour la propriété industrielle correspondantethe time necessary, as regards confidentiality, for acquisition of the relevant industrial property rights 
French to English
licensedsous licence 
English to French
maison d'arrêt de son siègedetention centre local to the Court 
French to English
marché à lotscontract divided into lots 
French to English
marché à remboursementcost reimbursement contract 
French to English
marques garantis par un dépôtregistered patents, licences, drawings, designs/models and trade marks 
French to English
mention du dispositifa note of the ruling 
French to English
mesures superprovisionnellesemergency interim measures 
French to English
mise en causeclaiming against / invoking [the Party's] liability OR claiming that [the Party] is liable 
French to English
mission [...] acceptée par la simple réception(simple/mere) receipt of ... shall constitute acceptance of the mandate/assignment 
French to English
missions d'expertiseexpert/specialist investigations 
French to English
moral duty of careobligation morale de diligence et soins 
English to French
motif(s) de compromissiongrounds for endangerment 
French to English
négligence notoiremanifest negligence 
French to English
ne jouissent pas de la foi publiquecannot be relied upon/have not been authenticated 
French to English
ni porter sur le lot ou le corps d'état principal de marchéneither shall it affect the section nor the main body of the contract 
French to English
notamment par la conclusion de contrats conformes aux clauses… contracts compliant with the standard clauses 
French to English
nuire à l’exigibilité de la detteto be prejudicial to the recoverability of the debt 
French to English
Nullité ou l'absence d'effet (d'une disposition)Null or of no effect 
French to English
occupant de bonne foilegitimate/lawful occupier 
French to English
ont été rappeléeswere recited 
French to English
par l'action 60implementing Action 60 [Point No. 60] 
French to English
par simple mesure de voirieby ordinary Highway Order 
French to English
French to English
personne de droit publicpublic legal entity 
French to English
placé sous le statut de témoin assistégiven the status of (an) 'assisted witness' 
French to English
porte de plein droitautomatically applies to/covers 
French to English
porte de plein droitautomatically applies to / covers / ipso jure 
French to English
pour régularisationproperly served 
French to English
préavis de locationtenant's notice period 
French to English
préjudice moralmoral, reputational, emotional and psychological harm 
French to English
présentes ou concurremment à la signature des présentesby execution of this Agreement or concurrently therewith 
French to English
prescriptions de l'instruction n° 28provisions of Regulation No. 28 
French to English
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