Translation glossary: Maritime shipping insurance policy

Showing entries 1-50 of 62
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English to Spanish
act with reasonable despatchactuar con prontitud razonable 
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English to Spanish
average adjusterliquidador de avería 
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avoidance of delayprevención de demora 
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English to Spanish
beyond the control of the Assuredque se produzca por motivos ajenos al Asegurado 
English to Spanish
both to blame collision clausecláusula de abordaje imputable a ambas partes 
English to Spanish
capture, seizure, arrest, restraint or detainment (piracy excepted)captura, incautación, arresto, contención o detención (excepto la piratería) 
English to Spanish
circumstances within their controlcircunstancias que de él dependan 
English to Spanish
constructive total losspérdida total constructiva 
English to Spanish
covers the Assured which includes the person claiming indemnity either as the person by or on whose behalf the contract of insurance was effected or as an assignee,cubre al Asegurado, lo cual incluye tanto a la persona que reclama indemnización como a la persona que haya contratado la póliza de seguro en su representación o como cesionario, 
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
deviation, forced discharge, reshipment or transhipmentdesviación, descarga forzada, reembarque o transbordo 
English to Spanish
discharge oversidedescarga al costado del buque 
English to Spanish
evidence of the amounts insured under all other insurancesevidencia de las sumas aseguradas de conformidad con todas las otras pólizas 
English to Spanish
exercise of a liberty granted to carriersejercicio de un derecho concedido a los transportistas 
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English to Spanish
financial defaultimpago 
English to Spanish
if any Increased Value insurance is effected by the Assured on the subject-matter insured under this insurance the agreed value of the subject-matter insured shall be deemed to be increased to the total amount insured under this insurance and all Increased Value insurances covering the loss, and liability under this insurance shall be in such proportion as the sum insured under this insurance bears to such total amount el Asegurado contrata una póliza por incremento de valor sobre el objeto asegurado al amparo del presente seguro, se considerará que el valor acordado del objeto asegurado ha aumentado hasta la cantidad total cubierta por este seguro y por todos los seguros de incremento de valor que cubran la pérdida, y la responsabilidad civil al amparo de este seguro guardará la proporción que la suma asegurada conforme a este documento guarda con dich 
English to Spanish
increased valueincremento de valor 
English to Spanish
inherent vicevicio oculto 
English to Spanish
insolvency or financial defaultinsolvencia o impago 
English to Spanish
insufficiency or unsuitability of packing or preparationembalado o preparado de modo insuficiente o inadecuado 
English to Spanish
insurable interestinterés asegurable 
English to Spanish
is to be forwardedhaya de ser reexpedido 
English to Spanish
law and practiceDerecho aplicable 
English to Spanish
liabilityresponsabilidad civil 
English to Spanish
loading into or onto the carrying vehicle or other conveyancedescarga en el interior de o en la superficie del vehículo de transporte 
English to Spanish
loss recoverablepérdida susceptible de indemnización 
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English to Spanish
market termscondiciones de mercado 
English to Spanish
moved intrasladado al 
English to Spanish
Operation of riskproducirse un siniestro 
English to Spanish
operation of riskproducirse un siniestro 
English to Spanish
ordinary leakage, ordinary loss in weight or volumefugas o pérdidas comunes en el peso o volumen 
English to Spanish
ordinary wear and teardesgaste común 
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otherwisede otro modo 
English to Spanish
oversea vesselbuque encargado del transporte principal 
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proof of paymentjustificante de pago 
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properly and reasonably incurred inde forma justificada y debida 
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English to Spanish
English to Spanish
English to Spanish   Transport / Transportation / Shipping
risks coveredsiniestros cubiertos 
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English to Spanish
shall have the right, at their own cost and expense, to defend the Assured against such claimque tendrá el derecho, a su costa, a defender al Asegurado frente a dicha reclamación 
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