Translation glossary: Business

Showing entries 1-16 of 16
étude de repreneurtake-over (feasibility) study 
French to English
bulletin de souscriptionapplication form 
French to English
caisse régionaleregional office 
French to English
chargé d'études (1er degré)first-level research manager 
French to English
détenu en participationjointly held by ... 
French to English
des arrhes ou des acomptesnon-refundable deposit or refundable deposit 
French to English
Fiches ParcoursProfiles, Visitor Guides, Career/Job Profiles/Cards 
French to English
main courante electroniqueelectronic logbook or Elog 
French to English
mise au pointfinalising 
French to English
MN (Marque Nationale)National Brand 
French to English
Montant HTAmount/Sum exclusive of tax 
French to English
prix d'entrepriseB-to-B price / ex-warehouse 
French to English
prix de revient CI / CAcalcul initial = initial cost price /// calcul actuel = current cost price 
French to English
production stockéestored production / production left in stock 
French to English
saisi au fil de l'eauinput in real time (real time streaming) 
French to English
tenue du posteposition held 
French to English
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