Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Sep 11 '11 ita>eng titolo concentration pro closed ok
4 Apr 26 '10 fra>eng vas. vaseline pro closed ok
- Jul 27 '09 ita>eng tempra in bianco bright annealing pro closed ok
4 Mar 8 '09 ita>eng immunita mucosale intestinale intestinal mucosal immunity/immunity of the intestinal mucosa pro closed ok
- Mar 2 '09 ita>eng antirimonta colour run trapping agent pro closed ok
- Mar 9 '08 ita>eng droga contusa drug bruised pro open no
- Sep 30 '07 esl>eng cal aérea grasa lime putty pro closed ok
- Sep 10 '07 por>eng potabilização no abastecimento público e privado making public and private water supply safe for drinking pro closed ok
4 Jun 16 '07 esl>eng diaminopirazol diaminopyrazole pro closed ok
- May 6 '06 ita>eng sovrapporsi a lies above pro closed ok
- Apr 3 '06 ita>eng attività emulsionante e sequestrante emulsifying and softening action/effects pro closed ok
- May 6 '05 ita>eng Coefficiente di ripartizione distribution coefficient/coefficient of distribution pro closed ok
- Apr 11 '05 ita>eng see definition Thanks, Michael pro closed ok
2 Apr 11 '05 ita>eng see definition sodium trichloro-isocyanurate 90% chlorine pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered