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Sample translations submitted: 2
English to Slovenian: EU Member States Agree to Cut Sugar Production
Source text - English The European Commission reports that EU Member States have agreed to its proposal for a 2.5 million ton (13.6 percent) cut in the production of sugar, isoglucose, and inulin syrup production for one year. The proposed production cuts, which will be divided among Member States, are intended to facilitate introduction of Europe's new sugar regime by relieving pressure on the market. Surplus sugar production could impede implementation of the sugar reform due to (i) limited export possibilities, given WTO and budgetary constraints and (ii) the fact that the effects of the new sugar regime will not yet have been felt. The proposed cuts are thus expected to improve balance on the sugar market without creating new stocks of sugar.
Translation - Slovenian Evropska komisija poroča, da so se države članice strinjale s predlogom o zmanjšanju proizvodnje sladkorja, izoglukoze in inulinskega sirupa za 2,5 milijona ton (13,6 odstotkov) v enem letu. Predlagano zmanjšanje proizvodnje, ki bo porazdeljeno med države članice, je namenjeno pospešeni vzpostavitvi nove evropske ureditve za sladkor s sproščanjem pritiska na trg. Presežna proizvodnja sladkorja bi lahko ovirala izvajanje sladkorne reforme prvič zaradi omejenih možnosti izvoza glede na proračunske omejitve in omejitve s strani Svetovne trgovinske organizacije in drugič zaradi dejstva, da se učinki nove ureditve za sladkor še ne bodo čutili. Zato je mogoče pričakovati, da se bo zaradi predlaganega zmanjšanja proizvodnje izboljšalo razmerje na trgu sladkorja, ne da bi se ustvarile nove zaloge.
English to Slovenian: Short Biography of a Professional in an IT company
Source text - English XY is a nine-year veteran of Microsoft where he oversees engineering standards to create products that provide customers with a high-quality user experience. He is responsible for ensuring the 600 design and user experience professionals spread across Microsoft remain at the cutting edge of research and design innovation, and that user needs rather than technology remain at the center of the company’s development process. A former professor of design (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) and a Fellow at the prestigious Center for Advanced Study, he is also an author, award-winner, and commentator in various media.
Translation - Slovenian XY je v Microsoftu zaposlen že devet let. V podjetju nadzira tehnične standarde za razvoj izdelkov, ki strankam zagotavljajo visokokakovostno uporabniško izkušnjo. Njegova naloga je zagotoviti, da več kot 600 strokovnjakov za oblikovanje in uporabniško izkušnjo v Microsoftu ostaja v samem vrhu inovacij na področju raziskovanja in oblikovanja. Poleg tega je zadolžen za to, da v središču razvoja izdelka ni tehnologija, temveč potrebe uporabnikov. Nekdanji predavatelj oblikovanja (Univerza v Illinoisu) in raziskovalec na prestižnem centru Center for Advanced Studies je tudi avtor publikacij, prejemnik nagrad in komentator v različnih medijih.
Years of experience: 18. Registered at Mar 2009.