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Serbian to English: Filling/zasipanje General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Source text - Serbian Par napomena u vezi zasipanja i dostavljene dokumentacije:
1. Prodori cijevi kroz beton moraju imati zazore (veći otvor) koji se zapunjavaju elastičnim materijalom kako ne bi u slučaju diferencijalnih slijeganja tla, nasipa ili materijala u kojem se cijev nalazi polomila ili oštetila cijev. Taj važan detalj se ne vidi da je obrađen na crtežu sa detaljem slojeva u podu.
2. Malo primjedbi oko terminologije na crtežu i nedostajućeg dodatnog objašnjenja koji se vjerovatno nalazi u tehničkom opisu ali bi dobro bilo da se nađe i na crtežu:
- „prirodni agregat“ standard JUS B.B2.009 koji je prethodnik EN standarda definiše prirodni agregat kao prirodno zatečenu mješavinu sa promjenljivim granulometrijskim sastavom koja može biti iz rijeke ili pozajmišta (majdana)
- „šljunak“ je materijal koji u svom granulometrijskom sastavu sadrži veličine zrna iznad 4 mm
- „pijesak“ je materijal koji sadrži veličine zrna do 4 mm
- Postoji armiran i nearmiran beton (ne postoje lako armiran, teško, poluteško i tome slična armiranja). Za armiranja ispod 0,2 % koristi se izraz “konstruktivno armiranje“, ostala armiranja su sa “računskom ili usvojenom armaturom“
- „hidroizolacija u dva sloja“-na crtežu mora nedvosmisleno da piše tip hidroizolacije (koliko ona strukturno sadrži slojeva od kojih je tvornički napravljena, odnosno njena osnovna karakteristika u oznaci #V# pa se piše V-2, V-4 ... a potom koliko te takve (višeslojne hidroizolacije) se ugrađuje puta: u dva sloja, u tri sloja ... u n slojeva. Hidroizolacija je jedan od uzročnika kasnijih oštećenja u konstrukciji i vječito je prisutna u sudskim sporovima kada je građevinarstvo u pitanju. Svi izvođači i projektanti preko ovog detalja olako prelaze. Prošli put sam detaljno opisao hidroiziolaciju na krovu. Ova u podu je sa istom težinom po posljedice koje izaziva ako se ne uradi profesionalno.
Translation - English Few remarks related to the sand plugging and documentation forwarded:
1. Penetrations of the pipes through the concrete must have bigger gaps (openings) that are to be filled with elastic material in order to avoid any pipe damage or break due to differential settings of soil, dikes or materials where the pipes are installed in. The thorough work on such important detail is not visible in this drawing with detail on layers in the floor.
2. A bit of remark related to the terminology in the drawing and missing explanation that is, most likely, in technical description, but would be good to have it in the drawing, too:
- „natural aggregates“ standard JUS B.B2.009, the predecessor of EN standards, defines te natural aggregate as naturally found mixture with different (varying) grain size composition that may origin from river or borrow pits
- „gravel“ is a material containing grain size over 4 mm in its grain size composition
- „sand“ is a material containing grain size up to 4 mm
- There are reinforced and plain concrete (there is no light, heavy of semi heavy reinforcement of concrete). The concrete reinforcement below 0,2 % the expression of “secondary reinforcement“ is used for, the rest of the concrete reinforcements are with “calculated (designed) or accepted reinforced concrete“
- „hydro-insulation in two layers“- in the drawing itself, the hydro-insulation type must be written (how many layers, which the HI is manufactured from, the HI structurally contains, i.e. its basic characteristics in mark #V#, so it is written as following V-2, V-4 ... and than how many time those (multi-layers HI) are installed: in two layers, three layers ... n layers. HI is one of the causative agent for many later structure damages and is a permanent subject of the court cases related to the civil engineering. Both contractors and project designers easily slur this detail. Last time, I thoroughly described the roof HI. The floor one may cause the same problems unless done professionally.
Serbian to English: LPG Ad General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Source text - Serbian Bezuslovno garancijsko (čak i do 30 god.) i post-garancijsko održavanje daje nam prednost nad ostalim kompanijama koje se bave ovom djelatnošću. Vršeći stalnu analizu proizvoda na tržištu, slobodni smo da kažemo da naša oprema i oprema naših dobavljača nema ozbiljnog konkuretna na osnovu kvaliteta a ni cijena. Ono što izlazi iz okvira naše proizvodnje i inostranih dobavljača upotpunjuje se proizvodima vodećih domaćih kompanija iz ove oblasti, a u namjeri da se pomogne razvoj industrije Republike Srpske i Bosne i Hercegovine.
Od proizvođača opreme iz inostranstva, predstavnici smo ili generalni distributeri i serviseri sljedećih svetskih značajnih kompanija: Blackmer, Sihi Sterling, Environ-OPW, Nupi Geco System’s, Airtec Corporation, Rego, Rego-Cryo Flow Products, Goddard, Coprim , Viessmann, Certuss, Liquid Controls, Batusan, Asco.......
Poštujući sve domaće i inostrane propise koji prate ovu oblast i insistirajući na najkvalitenijoj ugrađenoj opremi, podižemo bezbjednost objekata i ljudi na najviši mogući nivo.
........ kao preduzeće posjeduje sljedeće licence i dozvole unutar države:
• Od ........ registrovala Laboratoriju za baždarenje plinskih uređaja (volumetara) kako malih tako i velikih protoka. ..... laboratorija je kao takva jedina na teritoriji BiH i regisrovana je i odobrena od strane Instituta za mjeriteljstvo BiH rješenjem br.......... od ...............godine.
• Montaža opreme pod pritiskom
• Izrada mašinskih instalacija na energetskim postrojenjima i uređajima
• Montaža mašinskih instalacija na energetskim postrojenjima i uređajima
• Bravarsko-zavarivački radovi pri izradi, montaži, sanaciji i remontu energetskih postrojenja, uređaja i opreme pod pritiskom i izrada odgovarajuće tehničke dokumentacije
• Pregled, servisiranje, ispitivanje i kontrola opreme pod pritiskom
• Montaža gasnih instalacija
• Periodični pregledi, ispitivanje i kontrola pokretnih posuda pod pritiskom
• Izrada i kontrola tehničke dokumentacije (projektovanje i revizija) iz oblasti gasnih instalacija, te nadzor nad njom
• Labaratorija za baždarenje manometara
Translation - English Unconditional maintenance during warranty (even up to 30 years) and post-warranty period gives us an advantage over other companies engaged in such business. By performing permanent product analysis in the market, we may freely say that our equipment and the equipment of our suppliers have not got serious competition in terms of the quality ans price. Whatever is beyond the scope of our production and foreign suppliers is completed by the products made by leading local companies from this domain, intending to improve industrial development of the Republika Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Out of equipment manufacturing companies abroad, we are either representatives, general distributors or servicing company for the following companies known world-wide: Blackmer, Sihi Sterling, Environ-OPW, Nupi Geco System’s, Airtec Corporation, Rego, Rego-Cryo Flow Products, Goddard, Coprim , Viessmann, Certuss, Liquid Controls, Batusan, Asco.......
Obeying every local and internaional regulation important and valid for this field of work, and insisting on the highest quality installed equipment, the safety of the facilities and people has been risen to the highest possible level.
....... company is the bearer of the following licences and permits within the state:
• On 21/02/2007 registered was the Laboratory for gas devices (volumeters) of both small and large fluidity. Such .....laboratory is the only one existing in the B&H region and has been registered and approved by the Institute of Metrology B&H by the decision no: .... dated ......
• The equipment installation under pressure
• Development of the mechanical installations in power plants and devices
• Installation/mounting of the mechanical installations in power plants and devices
• Ironmongery-welding works in construction, installation, repair and overhaul of the power plants, devices and equipment under pressure and development of the corresponding technical documentation
• Review, servicing, testing and control of the equipment under pressure
• Gas installations mounting
• Periodical checks, testings and control of the mobile vessels under pressure
• Development and control of the technical documentation (designing and revision) from the gas installations domain, and supervision over it
• Manometers calibration laboratory
Translation education
Other - Anglia, Language School, Bijeljina
Years of experience: 28. Registered at Oct 2009.
The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Excellent knowledge of English language;
• Excellent writing skills;
• Natural born linguist with a perfect sense for a language, its structure and rhythm
• Fifteen years of experience in the field of written and verbal translation/ interpretation in various policing, legal, military, civil and water engineering contexts;
• Efficient, dynamic, and accurate translator;
• Always fulfilling deadlines;
• Very good under pressure and tight deadlines;
• Responding to emails within an hour or two from receipt;
• Proficient in Microsoft Office, including Excel, Word and PowerPoint;
• High level of attention to detail;
• Ability to establish and maintain wide range of professional contacts;
• Strive for continued excellence and eagerness to learn new things;
• Capacity to adopt new information and produce innovative ideas.
• Extremely creative person;
• Ability to improvise and work under time constraints, stress and/or with limited
• Press conferences;
You will find me to be well-spoken, energetic, confident, and personable, the type of person who easily fits in and adapts to new work environment. My work in post-conflict Bosnia enabled me to further develop my communication and negotiation skills as I often had to work under pressure and with limited resources, sometimes even facing immediate risk to my life and safety.
I have a wide knowledge of international and domestic political and social issues that I have acquired and developed while working as an administrator/assistant for a number of international governmental and non-governmental agencies, including NATO (NATO office in Banja Luka was organised by myself), the European Union Police Mission, UN International Police Task Force, OXFAM and MPDL (Movimiento Por La Paz El Desarme Y La Libertad). I served 6-months long mission in Afghanistan with EFI (Expeditionary Forces Institution), British Army at “Bastion” camp. I am presently employed by Vamed, Austria, working on “Designing, construction and furnishing of New General Hospital Bijeljina” project. This involves interpretation of the documents covering all fields – civil engineering, mechanical/electrical phase, meetings and trips organisation, presentations translations, press conferences, meetings with RS high officials…
In order to deliver an accurate and high-quality interpretation, in addition to language skills, an assistant has to be well-versed in an array of contemporary issues, not only those addressed at that particular meetings or in a specific document but also a number of other topics, including references to political, historical, geographic and cultural affairs in the Balkans, Europe and the world. Standard preparations for high level meetings also include research and perusal of works of notable authors and scientific papers from these and related fields. I hope these preparations have equipped me with the versatility to place me in a number of contexts with confidence that the level of excellence you expect will be met. Please see my resume for additional information on my experience.