Working languages:
Spanish to Dutch
English to Dutch

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Native in: Dutch Native in Dutch
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Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
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Services Translation
Specializes in:
Advertising / Public RelationsCinema, Film, TV, Drama
Education / PedagogyEnvironment & Ecology
Food & DrinkLinguistics
Tourism & Travel

Experience Years of experience: 20. Registered at Nov 2009. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials N/A
Memberships N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint
I guess I'm lucky to have been born and bread in Holland, because they teach us English, French and German in high school. Also, all TV programs and movies are displayed in their original language (with subtitles), which helped me a lot. I believe that studying several languages as a child/teenager, has made it easier for me to learn Spanish (and Portuguese) at University. I took a bachelor degree in Roman Languages and Cultures, which I started in Holland and finished in Spain. I subsequently decided to stay in Barcelona and study for a masters degree as a teacher of Spanish.
As a student I started working as a translator (Spanish - Dutch, English - Dutch). I've worked both freelance and for a translation agency. References available upon request.
Keywords: dutch, spanish, english, linguistics, barcelona

Profile last updated
Nov 9, 2009

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