Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- May 26 '08 eng>ind Lump in throat sensation gejala radang tenggorokan pro just_closed no
4 Dec 23 '06 ind>eng bukti pengurusan STR reference of STR pro closed no
- Nov 25 '06 ind>eng Infeksi Nyeri Jari Finger Pain Infection pro closed no
- Nov 24 '06 eng>ind Cold sores caused by Herpes Simplex Virus herpes simpleks pro just_closed no
- Nov 29 '06 eng>ind Apply tea bag where cold sore is formed. tempatkan kantong teh-celup dimana luka (lesi) terbentuk pro closed ok
- Nov 29 '06 eng>ind Apply ice on cold sore aplikasikan kompres es ke lesi (luka) di mulut pro closed ok
4 Nov 23 '06 ind>eng Laju Endap Darah (LED) Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) pro closed ok
- Nov 13 '06 eng>ind life-saving medical stabilisation aktivitas stabilisasi kesehatan penyelamatan nyawa pro closed ok
- Aug 25 '06 eng>ind early initiation of breastfeeding membiasakan ASI lebih awal pro closed ok
4 Aug 8 '06 eng>ind POP pop (sound) pro closed no
- Jul 31 '06 ind>eng kelahiran dengan tindakan surgical delivery (i.e cesarean) pro closed ok
4 Jun 18 '06 ind>eng Hepar: tidak membesar, permukaan licin, tepi tajam,echoparenkim normal, sistem Hepar (liver): not swollen, smooth appearance, coarse edge, parencymal echo pattern, system pro closed no
- Mar 1 '06 eng>ind generalized eruption in leukemia erupsi yang umum pada leukemia pro closed ok
- Mar 1 '06 eng>ind possible inhibition of the contraceptive kemungkinan inhibisi kontraseptif pro closed ok
4 Mar 1 '06 eng>ind urinary retention retensi urin pro closed ok
- Oct 22 '05 eng>ind Internal temperatures for whole chicken and parts should reach 82 C - 85 C Suhu di dalam bahagian ayam harus sampai pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered