Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jul 17 '23 eng>ron in equity In echitate pro closed ok
4 Jun 24 '21 rus>eng не в целях причинения вреда имущественным правам [in entering this agreement...] intends no harm to {impairment of) the property rights pro closed no
- May 10 '21 ita>eng Deroga del Foro comptente Notwithstanding the competence of any other court, pro closed no
- Apr 24 '21 fra>eng ce comité prendrait ses décisions à 75% des voix this committee will take its decisions by 75% of those present and voting pro closed ok
- Feb 13 '20 ita>eng il perfezionarsi del rapporto contrattuale the formation of a contractual agreement pro closed ok
4 Feb 8 '20 ita>eng diritto materiale substantive law pro closed ok
- Aug 6 '19 fra>eng Totalité et intégralité de l'entente Integration and entirety of agreement pro just_closed no
- Jul 19 '19 fra>eng obligation de veille duty to monitor pro closed no
4 Feb 5 '19 rus>eng блокировка restriction pro closed ok
4 Nov 27 '18 ita>eng carattere essenziale (being) of the essence pro closed no
- Jun 22 '18 fra>eng État des Servitudes Risques et d'Information sur les Sols (ERSIS) Status [State] of Risk Burdens and Soil Information pro closed no
- May 18 '18 ita>eng salvo casi di miglior favore. unless more favorable terms are available pro closed no
- May 13 '18 fra>eng années fermes fixed (term of nine) years pro closed ok
4 May 6 '18 rus>eng В случае нарушения...требований к оказываемым услугам In case of violation ... of the requirements REGARDING the services provided pro closed no
4 May 5 '18 rus>eng вытекающих из него в силу требований законодательства arising from it by operation of law pro closed no
- Apr 30 '18 ita>eng risoluzione (pazriale) non in danno resolution without damages pro closed no
- Jul 15 '17 ita>eng oneri di sicurezza da interferenza deposit for interference protection pro closed no
- Jul 12 '17 rus>eng препятствовать общению с ребенком (did not) interfere with the child's communication with the father pro closed no
4 Jul 10 '17 ita>eng con prestazioni accessori providing ancillary services pro closed no
4 Jul 7 '17 fra>eng pré-cochage pre-checked opt-in boxes pro closed ok
- Jun 30 '17 ita>eng con mezzi meccanici by mechanical means pro closed ok
4 Jun 27 '17 ron>eng stipulant policyholder pro closed no
- Jun 27 '17 ron>eng stipulatie pentru altul contract on behalf of third party beneficiary pro closed no
4 Jun 21 '17 rus>eng отсутствие денежных средств lack of funds [shall not] constitute pro closed no
4 Jun 19 '17 ell>eng συμβόλαιο της συμβολαιογράφου Αθηνών... contract attested to by the Athens notary public pro closed no
- May 31 '17 rus>eng В действующем Законе...механизм рассмотрения ...не предусмотрен In the current law ... a mechanism for considering these types of disputes through... pro closed no
4 May 24 '17 ita>eng credito sul metallo credit for metal pro closed no
4 May 21 '17 ita>eng né convenirsi alcuna cessione di credito nor will you agree to any transfer/sale of credit pro closed ok
4 May 18 '17 ita>eng super condominiali o di pertinenza common property/shared facility or (of) appurtenance pro closed no
4 May 16 '17 ita>eng commissioni di sindacazione issuance fees pro closed no
- May 8 '17 fra>eng contrat de droit right (of entry) contract pro closed ok
- Apr 15 '17 fra>eng image fixée fixed image pro closed no
4 Mar 26 '17 rus>eng Дата вхождения в периметр группы XXX date of entry into the consolidated capital structure pro closed no
- Sep 8 '15 rus>eng на период от передачи до принятия period from shipment to acceptance pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered