Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Mar 26 '11 eng>fra unraveling débrouiller pro just_closed no
- Mar 11 '11 fra>eng un point d'orgue et non une dérive de zozos epitomic, not just some fringe lunatics pro closed ok
- Dec 16 '10 fra>eng faire sauter le pont to blow up the bridge easy closed no
- Dec 8 '10 fra>eng elles ne font pas obstacle à They do not prevent/impede pro closed ok
- Dec 3 '10 eng>fra rock on se défouler pro closed ok
4 Dec 1 '10 eng>fra Good move. Bien joué easy closed no
4 Dec 1 '10 eng>fra police just released a statement claiming a territory feud Une déclaration de la Police Nationale vient de paraître déclarant... pro closed no
4 Nov 28 '10 fra>eng il s'agissait the second option easy closed no
- Nov 28 '10 fra>eng canne die easy closed ok
4 Nov 28 '10 fra>eng fadaises trivialities/nonsense easy closed ok
- Nov 24 '10 fra>eng aller vous faire voir in love or get lost pro closed ok
- Nov 23 '10 eng>fra flyover yet to un survol en approchant la cote pro closed ok
4 Nov 22 '10 eng>fra extended niceties termes de courtoisie/d'amabilité/amicaux pro closed ok
4 Nov 19 '10 fra>eng la vie en société social life/social interactions easy closed ok
- Nov 18 '10 eng>fra to own images of wealth posséder des images de richesse pro closed no
4 Nov 17 '10 fra>eng il est à peu près autorisé de you can pretty much say.../you are allowed to say, (etc.) pretty much pro closed ok
- Nov 15 '10 fra>eng niveau est moyen my school grades are average easy closed ok
- Nov 14 '10 eng>fra to rock pourquoi pas pro closed ok
- Oct 23 '10 fra>eng trouble ailments/symptoms pro closed ok
- Oct 21 '10 eng>fra to need more than joint projects necessite/à besoin de plus que des project communs/conjoints pro closed no
- Oct 20 '10 eng>fra I could let you believe what you believe je pourrai te laisser croire ce que tu veux pro closed no
4 Oct 19 '10 fra>eng s’envoyer quelques séances de course à pied ! owning those racing/running sessions pro closed no
4 Oct 18 '10 eng>fra in all but one section dans toutes les parties/sections sauf/moins une pro closed ok
- Oct 16 '10 eng>fra There's no arithmetic for this il n'y a pas de formule toute faite pro closed no
- Oct 12 '10 eng>fra provide new ground fournissent/stipulent/apportent de nouveaux arguments/fondements pro closed ok
- Oct 8 '10 fra>eng petit outil easy guide to/companion/pocket book pro closed no
- Oct 8 '10 fra>eng Être acteur de sa vie I want to be the theme of my life/my life's theme pro closed ok
- Oct 8 '10 eng>fra I didn't mean anything negative ce ne'était pas mal intentionné pro closed no
- Oct 5 '10 eng>fra barely tapped resource à peine entamé/sous-développé pro closed no
- Oct 5 '10 eng>fra as it does so de manière courante pro closed ok
4 Oct 2 '10 eng>fra To have a work appearance faire une préstation/apparition pro closed ok
- Oct 2 '10 eng>fra erase life experience effacer l'expérience de vie pro closed ok
- Sep 30 '10 fra>eng il fait très emballage This really says "household cleaning supply packaging," or more specifically a... pro closed ok
- Sep 29 '10 eng>fra You've got quite the reputation Vous avez une belle réputation pro closed ok
- Sep 23 '10 eng>fra reflected que l'on rencontre pro closed ok
- Sep 22 '10 eng>fra I'm in trouble if I behave or not de toute façon/manière, j'ai des ennuis pro closed no
- Sep 21 '10 fra>eng à son combe at its peak/height/full easy closed ok
4 Sep 18 '10 fra>eng rattraper cette mascarade repair/fix this mess/disaster pro closed no
- Sep 18 '10 eng>fra warm and fuzzy bon enfant pro closed no
4 Sep 18 '10 fra>eng s'imposer it unexpectedly grabs our attention pro closed no
- Sep 18 '10 fra>eng aux allures de géant This Swiss giant of a man pro closed no
- Sep 10 '10 fra>eng questionnement a search for/searching for pro closed no
- Sep 10 '10 eng>fra Busy is what we do c'est pas nouveau/rien de neuf/ça occupe toujours pro just_closed no
- Sep 9 '10 fra>eng au fil du temps with the passage of time easy closed ok
- Sep 8 '10 eng>fra world standard capability capacité de niveau mondial/international pro closed ok
- Sep 7 '10 fra>eng se payer la (ma) bobine making fun of me/laughing at my expense pro closed ok
- Sep 6 '10 fra>eng commentaires qui cassent et balancent break and betray pro closed no
- Sep 3 '10 fra>eng en redonnant un sens by giving my life a direction again easy closed ok
4 Sep 2 '10 fra>eng petit four Looks like the Republic's cream is turning you into a big cheese pro closed no
- Aug 30 '10 fra>eng Rédaction sur soi même Self analysis easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered