Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Mar 2 '23 rus>eng Ну я тебе устрою! I'll fix you! pro closed no
- Dec 21 '22 rus>eng Мало тебе отец задницу драл Your father didn't spank you enough. pro closed ok
- Oct 4 '15 esl>eng se habían puesto de acuerdo para formar una brújula made a pact to create a compass that would... pro closed ok
4 Jun 25 '15 esl>eng No contento con lo que has hecho Haven't you done enough damage? You have your nerve coming here, to my own house, to... pro closed ok
- Mar 5 '14 rus>eng проблема носит массовый характер It might seem that this problem has far-reaching consequences but, in reality, it does not. pro closed no
4 Jan 19 '14 rus>eng Услуги транспорта по доставке сотрудников Transportation services for employees/Services for employee transportation pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered