Advertising / Public Relations
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion
Human Resources
Poetry & Literature
Archaeology Translator for the Queriniana Publishing House (Eng > Ita)
Freelance translator of websites and CD-ROMs. Some examples: (Ita > Eng); (Eng > Ita)
Advertising and marketing translator (Ita > Eng /Eng > Ita) (Nike, Puma, Adidas) for the translation&language center "Language Solver"
Official translator (Ita > Eng) of EUs Sixth Framework Programme for University of Naples L'Orientale, Department of Philisophy.
Interpreter and translator (Eng > Ita/ Ita > Eng) at Internation Fairs (i.e. Frankfurts HEIMTEXTIL 2006) for Neapolitan companies, as M.Massaro Giuffre Srl, F.lli Riccio DEAR Srl and Equipe Riccio Srl
Published Translations:
- Zivorad Slavinski, PEAT, Il Cerchio, 2003 [Eng > Ita]
- Regione Campania; Accademia di Belle Arti. Translation of the volume-catalogue for the exposition L'ESERCIZIO DELLA MEMORIA. L'estetica della fede dalle Basiliche/in viaggio, translated and published in English as:
o THE PRACTICE OF MEMORY. The aesthetics of faith from the Basilicas/on a journey, New York, 2005 (Ita > Eng)
- Thomas Karlsson, La Kabbala e la magia goetica, Atanor, 2005 [Eng > Ita]
- S. Panneerselvam, A Hindu Response to Popes Encyclical Letter Fides et ratio:
Una risposta indu all'enciclica papale Fides et Ratio, in Concilium, n. 4, 2003, pp. 111-125
- V. Narayanan, Non Violence is the Greatest Virtue/Duty - Ahimsa paramo dharmah (Mahabarata):
Ahimsa paramo dharmah La nonviolenza ���¨la pi���¹ grande delle
virt���¹(Mahabarata), in Concilium, n. 5, 2003, pp. 69-86
- V. Fedorov, Russia: Europe or not?:
Russia: si o no all'Europa?, in Concilium, n. 2, 2004, pp. 153-166
- J. Jans, Neither Punishment nor Reward. Divine Gratutiousness and Moral Order:
N���¨ punizione n���¨ ricompensa. Grazia divina e ordine morale, in Concilium, n. 4, 2004, pp. 109-121