English to Serbian: Fundamental keys General field: Art/Literary | |
Source text - English Meditation, concentration, prayer: these three words epitomize the spiritual life, while at
the same time indicating its principal modes. Meditation, from our standpoint, is an activity of
the intelligence in view of understanding universal truths; concentration, for its part, is an activity
of the will in view of assimilating these truths or realities existentially, as it were; and prayer in
its turn is an activity of the soul directed towards God. | Translation - Serbian Meditacija, koncentracija, molitva: ove tri riječi su sažetak duhovnog života, dok u isto vrijeme ukazuju na njegove osnovne modalitete. Meditacija je, iz naše tačke gledišta, aktivnost inteligencije s obzirom na razumijevanje univerzalnih istina; koncentracija je aktivnost volje s obzirom na asimiliranje ovih istina ili realnosti egzistencijalno; i molitva je aktivnost duše usmjerena prema Bogu. |