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Spanish to English: History of the Fundación Leer General field: Other Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - Spanish Cuando en 1997 Fundación Leer abrió sus puertas tenía una clara visión: una Argentina alfabetizada, en la cual todos los niños tuvieran acceso a libros, pudiesen leer y valorasen la lectura.
Con el objeto de concretar su visión, sus fundadores firmaron un acuerdo de licencia con Reading Is Fundamental, Inc., que desarrolla programas de alfabetización desde 1966 en los Estados Unidos, y esto la habilitó para implementar sus programas en la Argentina.
En ese mismo año, puso en marcha el programa Leer es Fundamental Argentina, un programa que ayuda a los niños de menores recursos a elegir sus primeros libros para mantener en propiedad.
Fue así como en este primer año de trabajo de la organización, 1.500 niños de 15 instituciones en tres provincias y sus docentes, se asomaron a formas innovadoras de promover los procesos alfabetizadores de las comunidades y fueron totalmente exitosos en sus logros.
Tras este inicio, año a año Fundación Leer fue abriendo nuevos programas en la Argentina. Así nacieron Proyecto Libro Abierto, Comienzos Compartidos, Rincones de Lectura en Comedores, en Instituciones de Salud y en Centros Comunitarios, Maratones de Lectura, La Importancia de Leer y Familia de Lectores, entre otros.
En dieciséis años de trabajo Fundación Leer ha desarrollado programas en 23 provincias del país y Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Así, 1.576.230 niños y jóvenes participaron de los programas; 1.947.785 libros nuevos fueron distribuidos; 17.979 adultos capacitados entre docentes y líderes comunitarios de 3.932 escuelas y centros.
Fundación Leer obtuvo el reconocimiento del Ministerio de Educación de la Nación y de los Ministerios provinciales, de la UNESCO y es una entidad reconocida por la OEA como miembro de la sociedad civil.
Translation - English Since its creation in 1997, Fundación Leer has had a clear vision: a literate Argentina in which each and every child has access to books, is able to read, and values reading.
With this objective in mind, its founders signed an agreement with Reading Is Fundamental, Inc., an organization that has developed literacy programs in the United States since 1966. The agreement authorized the implementation of RIF’s programs and teaching methods in Argentina.
That same year Fundación Leer started the program ¨Reading is Fundamental Argentina¨ (Leer es Fundamental Argentina), geared towards enabling underprivileged children to choose their first books and keep them.
The program went beyond the distribution of free books. Eighteen trained teachers discovered the importance of generating environments designed specifically for reading for pleasure within school. In its first year “Reading is Fundamental Argentina” brought together 1500 children and their teachers in 15 institutions across 3 provinces closer to innovative and effective literacy-promoting processes.
Further training followed in order to understand the importance of the family in the development of literacy and to develop methods to guarantee the family’s commitment and participation as well as that of the community at large.
In the following years, Fundación Leer developed various new programs in Argentina such as the Open Book Project, Shared Beginnings, Reading Corners in Community Centers, Health Centers and Community Centers, Reading Marathons, and The Importance of Reading and Family of Readers, to name a few.
In 2001 Fundación Leer reached a turning point: the development of its own programs and teaching methods such as Prepared for Life, The Writing Experience and Author’s Gallery.
Fundación Leer has had a great impact nationwide, thanks to its presence in over 300 locations across the country.
Along with its 292.779 volunteers, Fundación Leer has to date worked with 1.006.286 children and provided them with over 1.5 million new books. Furthermore, it has trained 9.960 teachers and community leaders in promoting and supporting literacy.
Fundación Leer obtained recognition from the National Board of Education, the Secretaries of State, and UNESCO, and was named a member of civil society by the Organization of American States (OAS).
Portuguese to English: Agricultural Pledge Agreement - Excerpt General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Portuguese 2.1 Constituição do Penhor. Em garantia do cumprimento integral de todas as obrigações, principais e acessórias, assumidas pelo Tomador nos termos do SNM – 121509v2 Contrato de Financiamento (“Obrigações Garantidas”), o Tomador constitui, neste ato, nos termos do artigo 1.443 do Código Civil Brasileiro, em favor do Credor,penhor de primeiro grau, livre de concorrência de terceiros e de quaisquer ônus ou gravames, sobre as plantações de cana-de-açúcar e colheitas pendentes ou em via de formação, conforme o caso, relativas às safras de 2013/2014, 2014/2015 e 2015/2016, bem como sobre a safra subseqüente, existentes nas áreas relacionadas no Anexo A do presente Contrato de Penhor (doravante denominada simplesmente a “Cana-de-Açúcar”), safras, plantações e/ou colheitas necessárias para a produção mínima anual de cana-de-açúcar e açúcar, nas quantidades também dispostas em referido Anexo A do presente Contrato de Penhor. O açúcar resultante de beneficiamento ou transformação da Cana-
de-Açúcar empenhada é doravante simplesmente denominado “Açúcar”.
Translation - English 2.1 Establishment of the Pledge. In order to secure the full performance of all obligations assumed by the Borrower under the terms of the Finance Agreement SNM – 121509v2 (“Guaranteed Obligations”), the Borrower hereby pledges, pursuant to the provisions established in article 1443 of the Brazilian Civil Code, in favor of the Creditor, in the first degree, free from any lien or encumbrance of any kind whatsoever, over the 2013/2014, 2014/2015, 2015/2016, and any subsequent sugar cane crops and pending harvests, as the case may be, pertaining to the areas mentioned in Annex A of this Pledge Agreement (hereinafter referred to simply as the “Sugar Cane”), the crops and/ or harvests necessary for the minimum annual production of sugar cane and sugar in the amounts also prescribed in the aforementioned Annex A of this Pledge Agreement. The sugar resulting from the benefaction or transformation of the pledged Sugar Cane is now simply to be referred to as the "Sugar".
Years of experience: 11. Registered at Jun 2014.