Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jul 6 '07 fra>eng Coupe fortement grossie Highly magnified (cross-)section pro closed ok
- Apr 27 '05 fra>eng Voici le reçu du courrier que vous avez envoyé à Here is the receipt for your letter easy closed no
4 Apr 19 '05 ita>eng per argomentare le mie difese to argue my case pro closed no
- Apr 19 '05 ita>eng per i minuti che sottraggo alla sua quotidiana attività First of all, may I apologise for distracting you ... pro closed no
4 Apr 19 '05 deu>eng Kammer the court pro closed no
- Oct 28 '04 ita>eng indagini presso il pubblico surveys conducted with the (general) public pro closed ok
- Aug 17 '04 ita>eng non si è sottratto did not seek to avoid any questions/did not try to get out of answering any of the questions asked easy closed ok
- Aug 8 '04 eng>fra Consider playing things low-key for a while Il faut penser à garder un profil bas pendant un certain temps easy closed no
- Aug 5 '04 ita>eng SCHEMA ELETTRICO electrical diagram pro closed ok
- Aug 5 '04 deu>eng SPD-Basis SPD grassroots (members) pro closed no
4 Aug 4 '04 ita>eng prestazioni occasionali occasional employment with pro closed ok
4 Aug 3 '04 fra>eng régularisation some minor changes (residence permit) etc pro closed no
- Jul 29 '04 ita>eng do un ultimo sguardo I'll look at the work one last time pro closed ok
4 Jul 28 '04 eng>fra a store-bought aphrodisiac of sorts une sorte d'aphrodisiaque qui s'achète en magasin pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered