Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- May 23 esl>eng diario accounting journal pro closed ok
- Apr 19 fra>eng diabolisée ou enchantée disillusioned or contented pro closed no
- May 4 '23 esl>eng Decreto Legislativo versus Decreto Constitucional authority by order of legislation or authority by constitution pro closed no
- Nov 16 '22 esl>eng organismo con senda financiera financial organization pro closed ok
- Aug 16 '22 esl>eng BOLETA DE CITACION written confirmation pro closed ok
4 Feb 10 '22 eng>esl At-large voting la votación general pro closed no
- Dec 24 '21 esl>eng darle carta de to grant legal status pro open no
- Jul 28 '21 eng>eng Expectations were not managed in the euphoria that followed the fall of the wall When the Wall came down there was a difficulty in dealing with the news information pro closed no
- Jul 28 '21 eng>eng it has all had to be paid for the costs all had to be covered pro closed no
- Jul 12 '21 eng>eng It is a testament to those involved that it did not. it shows the ones involved that it was not so pro closed no
- Apr 21 '21 eng>esl Quota targets objetivos de cupo pro closed ok
- Mar 24 '21 fra>eng alternance crédible a realistic changeover pro just_closed no
- Mar 24 '21 fra>eng Front pour l’Alternance et la Concorde au Tchad A movement for reform and amnesty pro closed ok
- Mar 5 '21 eng>fra Intake la consommation pro closed ok
- Jan 3 '21 eng>fra "Live-in" requirement des exigences en matière du logement pro closed ok
1 Dec 17 '20 esl>deu medidas compensatorias adicionales de retiro de CTS zusätzliche AusgleichsmaBnahmen für die Entzug von (CTS) pro closed no
- Nov 15 '20 esl>eng filosindicalismo theories on unionism pro closed no
- Oct 27 '20 esl>eng pasamanos differential limit pro closed no
- Oct 23 '20 esl>eng responder a corresponding with pro closed ok
- Oct 20 '20 fra>eng Ses réflexes et ses repères its responses and its points of reference pro closed ok
- Sep 15 '20 esl>eng disputa de cartel poster campaign pro closed ok
- Jun 30 '20 esl>eng trató su pliego como embajador addressed his specifications document as ambassador pro closed ok
- Jun 30 '20 esl>eng En esa avenida de la “grieta” In that spate of betrayal pro closed ok
- Jun 22 '20 esl>eng donde va a removerse el caldero where it's going to encourage change or bring unrest pro closed ok
- May 26 '20 fra>eng auprès de (in a passive construction) next to / with / in the opinion of pro closed no
- May 25 '20 esl>eng alienación delincuente alienation / isolation / mental derangement of the criminal / offender pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered