Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Feb 26 '12 rus>eng за двадцать one more Arab state (in addition to the many that already exist) pro closed ok
- Nov 8 '11 rus>eng Зернохранилище grain silo pro open no
- Nov 8 '11 rus>eng Птицефабрика industrial poultry farm/factory farm pro closed ok
- Nov 8 '11 rus>eng обобщающий результат integral result/metric pro closed no
- Nov 8 '11 rus>eng снижение норматива достаточности... the Bank's capital should fall short of (below) the sufficiency (adequacy) standard as set pro closed ok
- Oct 28 '11 rus>eng весовое золото non-trace (amounts of) gold pro closed no
4 Oct 26 '11 rus>eng Право штата Техас (США) under UK/English, Swiss, New York, Delaware, and Texas law. pro closed no
- Sep 16 '11 rus>eng Откуда дровишки? Where's all the loot from? pro closed ok
4 Sep 16 '11 rus>eng Форма по ОКУД standard OKUD form pro closed ok
4 Sep 16 '11 rus>eng задолженность в пользу payables to/to the benefit of pro closed ok
4 Sep 15 '11 rus>eng обеспечение жалобы enforcement pro closed ok
- Aug 16 '11 rus>eng организуется «без права отключения». Once activated the service cannot be discontinued by the subscriber. pro closed no
- Aug 13 '11 rus>eng либо без такового and an optional fine pro closed ok
- Aug 12 '11 rus>eng определение об отказе shall rule (make a ruling) to deny the application pro closed no
4 Aug 11 '11 rus>eng запросить о намерении request to state intentions pro closed ok
4 Aug 11 '11 rus>eng передача в аренду/вывод из аренды commencement/termination of lease pro closed ok
- Aug 10 '11 rus>eng на вырост hiring people s/he expects to grow rather than ... pro closed no
4 Aug 10 '11 rus>eng аварийное освещение vs. дежурное освещение emergency vs. stand-by lighting pro closed ok
- Jun 8 '11 rus>eng без вырубки леса without clearing (of) wooded/forested tracts pro closed no
4 Jun 9 '11 rus>eng блины/блинчики skipping stones/rocks pro closed ok
- Jun 7 '11 rus>eng скольжение можно считать неизменным ... можно поставить в соответствие кажущееся slippage may be considered constant/each slippage value may be mapped to apparent resistance Zm of a pro closed ok
- Jun 7 '11 rus>eng отдел охраны города municipal security detail pro closed no
- Jun 7 '11 rus>eng высотная геодезическая сеть geodetic elevation grid pro closed ok
4 Jun 7 '11 rus>eng заведены и прикованы handcuffed behind (through) the back of a/the chair pro closed ok
4 Jun 7 '11 rus>eng Ко мне! use rank and name or rank pro closed ok
4 Jun 6 '11 rus>eng усилительные пункты amplifier (station)s pro closed ok
- Apr 21 '11 rus>eng согласие на выезд ребенка за границу travel consent for a minor pro closed ok
- Apr 13 '11 rus>eng ствол gun pro closed no
- Apr 13 '11 rus>eng основной массив most of the urban development pro closed no
4 Apr 10 '11 rus>eng окончательно и полностью закрепляет соглашение Сторон shall be the full and final agreement between the parties pro closed ok
- Apr 11 '11 rus>eng с учетом предъявленных требований account taken of the requirements levied pro closed ok
- Feb 16 '11 rus>eng младшая/старшая часть коэффициента преобразования least significant/most significant pro closed no
4 Feb 11 '11 rus>eng владельцы имущественных прав на ПО software owners pro closed ok
- Feb 8 '11 rus>eng владеть через подставных лиц have assets registered in somebody else's name pro closed no
4 Feb 8 '11 rus>eng редактор по хронике content manager? pro closed ok
- Feb 6 '11 rus>eng разводка коммуникаций воздухоочистки и кондиционирования air scrubbing and air cnditioning duct installation pro closed ok
4 Feb 6 '11 rus>eng измерительных линий аналоговых датчиков analog sensor measurement channel (line) pro closed ok
- Feb 6 '11 rus>eng циклический опрос round-robin polling of inputs pro closed no
- Sep 12 '10 rus>eng вскрытие дверей lock picking/forcing pro closed no
- Sep 12 '10 rus>eng Учётный экземпляр master copy/master document pro closed ok
- Jan 4 '10 rus>eng деленный по сторонам света without geographic qualifiers in its name pro closed no
- Jan 4 '10 rus>eng укоренение миссионерской символики, missionary symbols taking root in no way affected pro closed no
4 Jan 4 '10 rus>eng передает идею императора как главного миссионера conveys the idea of the emperor being the preeminent/principal missionary pro closed ok
4 Dec 31 '09 rus>eng не неси if it did not bring about pro closed ok
4 Dec 31 '09 rus>eng Служба собственной безопасности company (corporate) security pro closed no
- Dec 30 '09 rus>eng не считает доблестью миссионерский жар; does not believe missionary zeal (fervor) to be a virtue pro closed ok
4 Dec 29 '09 rus>eng игла but create quite a "habit" for you to feed when it comes to consumables. pro closed no
- Dec 29 '09 rus>eng сделки, размер либо стоимость имущества по которым transactions where the amount or the value of assets/asset value (involved) pro closed no
- Jul 23 '08 rus>eng ордена «Знак Почета» Order of Distinction pro closed no
- Jun 17 '08 rus>eng гурман epicure pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered